Chapter 6

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Truly, Madly, Deeply- One Direction

Peace- O.A.R

I Miss You- Blink 182


I wake up to the sound of my phone's alarm, signaling to me that it is 5:30. I'm a natural-born cuddler, so as I flutter my eyes open, I realize that my head is resting on Niall's chest and my right arm is gripping the fabric of his shirt. His chest is soft, yet muscular despite the fact I know he doesn't work out. He smells amazing, comforting as if being at your own home. His breathing is smooth and peaceful and reminds me of a beautiful piano ballad. I almost don't want to move. But I know I can't. I shouldn't even be here. I could get fired so quickly from this.

I turn my alarm off quickly so I won't wake him. I look at his face, which is angled towards mine. A peaceful smile is on his face, and he looks almost angelic.

I start to stand up, but his fist grips my shirt.

"Where are you going?" He mumbles with a very raspy voice.

"I've got to run home and get ready. I'll be back soon. Get in bed, okay?" I tell him. He slowly stands and plops himself onto the small mattress with a grunt.


I walk back into Bridgewood after getting cleaned up at home, and I'm greeted by Harry at the doorway of the staff room.

"Good morning, Harley."

"Morning!" I smile and walk into the room, he slyly turns around and follows me in.

"I had a great time the other night."

"Me too."

He leans against the wall while I put my stuff away. He is so hot. He smirks dangerously, but there's innocence in his eyes that pull me in like the high tide. He smiles so large that dimples emerge on his cheeks. "We should do it again sometime, yeah?"

I blush, "Yeah, definitely."

"Like soon." He demands.

"Haha, okay? Like when?"

"Well, the fair is in town this weekend. Saturday?" He asks and runs his hands in his hair.

I wonder if any of the other nurses know about his tattoos.....

"Sounds great, Harry."


I walk down the hallway and I'm greeted by the bright blonde hair of Noelle.

"Give me the details."

I give her a look of confusion. The thought crosses my mind that she might know that I spent the night here. I hope she doesn't. "What?"

"You and Harry."

I sigh in relief. "Haha, there's not much. We just went to dinner, that's all."


I fed Niall and gave him his medicines, and now I have him sitting in a chair in front of the bathroom mirror, complete with scissors, a spray bottle of water, a blow dryer, and hair spray.

He's so nervous. His hands are resting on his lap and he won't stop twiddling his thumbs. His left knee is bouncing up and down quickly too, and he can't keep his head in one spot.

"Hey. Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you."

He bites his lip, but nods.

"You have to sit still, though. Especially your head."

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