Chapter 29

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Bad Girls Club- Falling In Reverse

Machines- Crown The Empire

Welcome To The Black Parade- My Chemical Romance


I got off work about an hour ago, and I'm waiting for my mom to come over to visit me. Neither of us have had the time to visit each other since I moved here, and I am extremely excited for her to come! She's only seen the house in pictures, and she tells me that she's really anxious to see it. Well, it's not much, but it's good for me. I like it a lot, but it is a bit lonely at some times. Maybe I should get a cat.

I hear a knock on my door and I leap and bound to run to answer it, nearly stubbing my toe on the couch in the process.

"Mom!" I yell and wrap her in a tight hug. She laughs and hugs me back just as tightly.

Her tall and lean body is draped in a royal blue maxi dress with her (fake) blonde hair tied on her head in a curly ponytail. Her green eyes, like mine, are bare except for a dash of mascara used just to bring out the green of them. Her bare shoulders show off her crown tattoo, which I've always loved on her.

"Harley!" She mocks me by repeating my name in the same tone I used.

I bring her inside and walk her through the small house I have. She compliments me on how cute it is and that she loves it. A huge smile plays on her face during the whole tour, and at times I think I see her nearly tear up. I think they are proud tears, not sad ones. We finally sit down on my couch after the grand tour and start to talk about our lives since I moved out.

I talk to her at least once a week on the phone, but it's just not the same as seeing her in person.

"So, do you like your job here?"

I smile, instantly thinking of Niall and how amazing he was today. He played so beautifully for that group of people, and then he got told that they're working on getting him released! I'm so utterly proud of him that I can't stand it!

I also think of all the bad times, the ones where he's had outbreaks. But even those bring a smile to my face because I was able to help him so much when he desperately needed someone.

I think that's one of the reasons we clicked so much when I first met him. I think he was just lost and desperately longing for someone who genuinely cared for him and his well-being. Someone who would treat him like a person, not a piece of trash. I think he wanted someone to make him feel wanted in the world, like he wasn't completely alone, and I am more than ecstatic to be that person.

"Yes, I love it." I proudly state, smiling widely.

"Are there any extreme psychos? Any straitjackets or padded rooms?" She asks innocently, with a hint a humor. She winks and crinkles her nose the way I've seen her do about a million and times growing up, her sign that shows that she's looking for gossip and a laugh.

I'm not supposed to speak about this in detail, but I'm still going to talk to her about it all. "Well, yeah. A few. Most patients are there voluntarily so they only stay for about a week. There are some though, that are there involuntarily and have to stay there by law."


"Like, criminally insane?" She questions, sipping her glass of wine.

"They don't use that term anymore, but yeah. Basically." I shrug, trying to wave her off.

She gets a massive smirk on her face and asks, "So, are you still seeing the doctor?" She raises her eyebrows and winks playfully over her glass. She winks again.

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