Chapter 3

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Hi guys! Here's the next part. Now enjoy!

October 31st

For once, I was the one that had arrived at the café first.

Of course, it's Halloween so that probably had something to do with it.

I hope wherever you are, you're having a great time with friends or your family.

I wonder if your spending it with your girlfriend?

Or, gods forbid, your boyfriend.

I think that would be worse, considering the fact that then I actually had a chance with you and you still chose someone else, someone probably more charming and caring. Definitely less of a workaholic who could give you all the attention you deserve.

Wait you just walked in.

You were very green, I think you're wearing a—

Oh. My. God.

That is the single most adorable thing on this planet.

I can't look away. You're stunning.

(Imagine John is wearing that

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(Imagine John is wearing that.)

Then you glance my way and I can finally look away to strike up conversation with the barista and distract myself from your curious gaze and my warm cheeks.

I suddenly felt very self-conscious in my Heather Chandler costume.

I suddenly felt very self-conscious in my Heather Chandler costume

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(Imagine Alex is wearing that.)

I had hoped you would like the musical since I thought I once heard you humming "Meant to Be Yours" under your breath.

Now that I think about it, maybe I should have dressed as JD...

Oh well.

I wonder what other musicals you might like. It'd be amazing if you liked Lin-Manuel Miranda. Then we could have a remix of "Helpless" at your wedding...

I'm getting ahead of myself.

But I would do anything to make that a possibility.

So that's all for now. See you guys soon!

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