Chapter 7

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Hey guys! Here's a late update because I'm lazy and feel bad about that fact. (Yet I haven't changed it.)

December 3rd

I arrived at the shop a little earlier today. For once, I hadn't stayed up until 3 am writing last night and actually got more than 4 hours of sleep!

I got 6!

(I know that's still not an adequate amount of sleep in the long run, but that's great for me!)

So I decided to come to the café a bit early today.

I ordered my drink, said good morning to Lafayette, then sat in my usual seat, without anyone trying to steal it, and sipped my Espresso as I awaited your arrival.

I heard the bell ring about 15 minutes later, not that I was keeping track or anything, to see you walk in.

After a second, you looked my way and I hurriedly looked down blushing.

Then again, if my eyes didn't deceive me, I thought I saw a small blush on your cheeks as well.

I decided I might as well try to get some work done to make up for lost time last night.

I took out my laptop and started typing away.

After what felt like only two minutes, but was probably at least 30, my phone dinged.

I looked down and smiled at the incoming slew of texts from the Schuyler sisters.

I looked back up to see you instantly look down at your notebook with a small frown.

Hmm, what troubles you my freckled angel?

I'm sorry. That was badly written for me and pretty short. I'll make up for it next chapter.

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