Chapter 9

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Hey guys, here's a new update! Enjoy!

December 23rd

I'm going to do it. I'm going to give you your present. I'll walk right up to you and give it to you.

I just walked in with the wrapped notebook...

I can't do it.

Then, my brain comes through for me once again and I have the brilliant idea to put it on your table before you get here.

(I'm not being a coward and avoid my problems, you are.)

Then you walk in, just as I reach your table.


In a split second decision, I turn and walk into the bathroom nearby. I give myself a small pep talk:

Come on Alex, you can do this. You've faced down challenges much bigger than a small, okay medium sized, crush.

After a few minutes, I had to pretend I was actually in here for a reason, I walked back out and sat down at my table.

When I finally got the courage to look up, you weren't at your table anymore.

I didn't see you at the bar or entering the restroom either.

Huh... odd.

I like this too. Bye.

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