Chapter 24

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Hey guys! I decided to have a small entry before V-Day so this starts just a few minutes after the last one. I hope you enjoy this update!

February 13th

I walked into the café for the first time in a while.

Peggy looked up at the sound of the bell and smiled as she waved him over before turning to talk to someone in the back.

I smiled and walked over to her as she was walking around the counter.

She smiled and hugged me, "Hey! So I'm on break for about 15 minutes. We can at least get through with planning."

"Uh, okay but what did you want to talk about?" I asked as she led me to a table.

"Well... you know your thing with John?"

Internally, I was cursing out the universe for my meddling friends and family, but externally, I just sighed.

"Okay, so this is about trying to make us a couple I presume." I said in a dejected voice.

She smiled sheepishly, "Yes, but I swear you two would be the perfect couple!!"

I shrugged, my facial expression as noncommittal as, well, Burr.

"I'm not so sure, he's been avoiding me for almost three weeks now!" my voice raises at the end as I slump in m y seat.

Maybe we just shouldn't be together...

"You take the back!" Peggy says pointing a warning finger at me.

"Wait, I said that out loud?"

"Yes, you did."


I shrugged again, "Well, you know it's true. He won't respond to any of my calls or texts."

Peggy shook her head. "I know it seems like he doesn't like you, but he's only pushing you away to protect himself."

I threw my hands in the air. "Great! So he's talking to you too? Why is he talking to everyone but me!?" I hit my head on the table in anguish.

I felt Peggy petting my head, "It's alright, he's just going through a lot right now."

I sigh and lift my head, "How can I make him open up to me?" I ask, trying to keep the desperation out of my voice.

"Well, that's what we're here to discuss." Peggy said cheerfully, and pulled out her phone.

I raise my eyebrow, not trusting her sudden beaming smile.

"You see, Laf and I have been planning..."
"Nope, no. I am not going through with one of Lafayette's plans to get me a date!" I say, adamant, and get ready to just leave.

"Wait! Don't you want to at least hear me out!?" Peggy asks, standing as well.

I groan but sit down again. "Okay spill, you have 5 minutes to convince me."

Peggy smiled as she displayed a picture of valentines decorations on her phone.

"Well, we were thinking that since Valentine's Day is tomorrow, we could set up these decorations here and Laf will get John to come in. Then you could arrive in a strapping tux and sweep him off his feet!" she said cheerfully.

I frowned as I thought it over, Valentine's Day is the day of love...

"Okay, I'm in as long as I don't have to do anything embarrassing or wear a tux."

Peggy pouted, "Are you sure you don't want to w—"

"Yes! I'm sure." I said cutting her off.

Peggy was still pouting but nodded, "Okay, no tux, but there is another part of our plan that we both know you might not agree to..."

I glared at her, "Peggy, if it's embarrassing then no!"

"But it would be so cute!!" she said in a pleading voice as she gave me her best puppy dog eyes.

I'm going to regret this...

"Fine, but can you at least tell me what it is?"

She smiled and hugged me. "Yes! Okay, do you have anything against ring pops?"

I eyed her suspiciously, "What are you implying?"

By her smile I could tell I was definitely going to regret this, but if it gets my freckled angel to talk to me again, it'll be worth it.

So, it looks like Lams might just work out after all. I hope their plan works. (Who am I kidding, I control if it works or not.) I hope you enjoyed this small planning session. Next update should be V-Day!!

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