Chapter 27

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Hey guys! I hope everyone enjoyed the 4th! I was in Philadelphia so that was fun. This is the second to last chapter I'm afraid. One more and My Freckled Angel will be done! I'm so happy that people actually enjoyed reading this almost as much as I enjoyed writing this! And a special thanks to anyone who commented or voted on this! I hope you guys enjoy this final part of the V Day special!

A ring pop.

(Don't judge me I'm trying to be cute and romantic.)

I opened the box to show a beautiful, shiny, green apple ring pop.

For a few seconds, there is just terrifying silence as he looks down at me in shock

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For a few seconds, there is just terrifying silence as he looks down at me in shock.

Oh no, maybe he doesn't think it's funny! Maybe he thinks I'm not taking this seriously!?! I knew I should have just bought a promise rin—

I stop my internal freak out as I hear a beautiful, clear laugh.

I focus back on you and I'm mesmerized by your twinkling eyes as your laugh wraps around me like a warm blanket.

It gives me the courage for what I say next.

With my face burning, I lift up the ring and take a deep breath. I can do this.

"John Laurens," I start looking up at him with a shy smile, "Would you do me the honor of being my Valentine, to love and to cherish for as long as I shall live and after?"

I hold my breath as I wait for his answer.

He looks to the side, where I believe Lafayette is standing and I hear some mumbled words along the lines of, "What are you doing! Answer him already!!!"

I left out a sigh of relief as you look back at me and nod before putting out your hand.

I smile as I slide on the ring pop and then I stand and bow down to kiss his hand, my grin only growing as he giggles.

I stand up straight (although is anything I do really straight?) again and you blush looking down at your ring.

Then I hear you say quietly, "W-would you do m-me the honor of b-being mine?"

Your cheeks blush bright red and I smile softly as I lift your head so those beautiful amber eyes are on mine.

"Of course. Even if it will take a ton of texts and coffee dates for you to trust me then it's all worth it."

He smiles at me and everyone in the café around us cheers.

I feel like I'm spilling over with happiness.

Then Laf comes in and ruins it.

He runs up and hugs us both tightly, somehow lifting us both from the ground yelling out, "I shipped it from the beginning guys!"

I try to glare at him for ruining our moment, but I'm distracted by that lyrical laugh again.

"What do you mean Laf? You only just found out about him this morning when you read my texts." John says confused.

Wait, what? Seriously Laf? Is privacy even part of your vocabulary?

Laf put us down and smiled mischievously.

Oh no...

"Ah, about that mon ami, I actually was the one that suggested for mon petit lion to come to my restaurant. He immediately fell in love with you and—"

"Wait you're saying you knew we liked each other this entire time?!" John exclaimed in shock.

Laf just shrugged, "Oui."

"I hate you Laf." both John and I said at the same time causing us to glance at each other and share a smile.

Laf just grinned cheerfully and wrapped his arms around us.

"And I love you both, now let's enjoy some chocolate, non?"

Finally they're together! It took forever!!! (I guess that's my fault, but oh well!) Next update should be out soon! Then I'll start the third part of this story!! Bye!

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