Special Bonding

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Summary: Washington decided to lock four certain males in an empty office in order to each all four males a lesson within each other and themselves. What would happen during the hours where the four males were locked in the empty office?

Modern AU

Inside within one the office of the White House where four men were locked in one room for the past eight hours. Apparently, President Washington thought it would be a bright idea to lock Hamilton, Burr, Jefferson, and Madison into one of the empty offices which is the second largest office within the White House. Despite Hamilton pleading and cursing the President behind closed doors, the former general didn't budge at all into unlocking the doors. Oh no, the President decided that the four males should learn to work together as one group and perhaps trying to be friends for once instead of hating and despising each other. That's was all the President ever wanted just from these four men since Hamilton, Burr, Jefferson, and Madison should learn more about within each other and their past as well.

Washington watches them within his office with the security footage that was installed in all the rooms of the White House. He pays close attention to all the four males not wanting to have anything to do with each other. Within the first hour as the four males intended to ignore each other but later on Hamilton and Burr finally reconnected their friendship throughout the years where their friendship once fallen apart but now suddenly being reconstructed once again. Madison and Jefferson had their own conversation since they've been close friends since middle school. Later on the four males distant themselves within the two groups soon both groups suddenly got onto the topic of their early childhood. Knowingly, Thomas always hid his right eye from Madison, Hamilton, Burr since his father left an unpleasant gift behind.

The tall Virginian male pulled out a small family portrait he once loves but completely despises it. Thomas soon finds himself having unpleasant memories from his early childhood. The tall male looked at the fireplace in which Alexander created within the fourth hour of being locked in the room. Soon, Thomas walked close to the fireplace before burning the small family portraits into the fireplace whiling glaring it with pure hatred. Hamilton, Burr, and Madison all stare at the tall man in confusion since Jefferson treasures his family portraits with his life. Though there was a reason for the Virginian man to burn the painting of his family. It burns the unpleasant memories of Jefferson childhood. The memories he longed for to disappear deep into his mind. None of the other three men's spoke up until Hamilton decided to break the ice.

"Why are you burning it, Thomas?" Alex question

"Because I can, this has nothing to do with you" Thomas snarled with bitterness

"But it's a painting of your family"

"So what?! Why don't you mind your own business! Cause you don't know me"

Thomas glared at the Caribbean immigrant before returning it to the fireplace. Burr and Madison intended to stay quiet since they felt another dispute between Hamilton and Jefferson erupting once again at any moment. Alexander rolled his eyes in annoyance by Thomas behavior. This isn't the first time that Thomas yelled at him didn't unease the treasurer. But instead, his tone put Hamilton unease and scoff.

"I do know you" Alexander murmured

"No, you don't!!!" Thomas shouted in pure anger that suddenly brought fear into the entire office. None of the three men's expected Thomas to shout at anyone with such pure anger before. Soon, the tall Virginian man felt the intense jealousy against Hamilton increased at each speed because since the Caribbean male always has Washington attention 24/7 a day presumably to be his favorite right-hand man. Out of the blue, Thomas decided to spill his anger and pain from his early against Hamilton.

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