First Burn Hamilton POV ft. Lafayette

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Modern AU

In the modern day of New York City whereas all the media were gathering a special scoop. This particular juicy gossip story is about how Eliza Hamilton has cheated on her husband with another married name James Reynolds. This was the top stories of all over the United States and New York as well. The Hamilton's were one of the well-known family and earn quite the reputation. With Alexander Hamilton was a lawyer before but decided to become a teacher at local orphanages. He would often teach them French and Literature as well. Though Eliza gains her popularity not just by her looks alone. No, instead Eliza Hamilton earn her reputation by volunteering for many charity and helping other countries during any crisis. Though in the year of 2011, Eliza had a secret affair with James in which Alexander was unaware of since he and the children went to visit George Washington in Virginia. Whereas the affair has taken place but since then Eliza and James have never met up once again except for a few occasion. It was a disaster for both of them since James Reynolds has slowly fallen in love with Eliza. Though the Lady Hamilton regretted the affair to ever happen in the first happen. It went from disaster to horrendous where James and Eliza would meet up at random motels to Eliza own bedroom where the same she shares with her darling Alexander.

There wasn't a day where she regrets her mistakes of hooking with Reynolds. Now, all the people in the United States now know her dirty little secret. In the cruelest and embarrassing way for her husband to find out on the Newspaper, Magazine, TV, and the variety of technology. Burr, Madison, and even freaking Jefferson tried to make any source of the affair but the jackass Charlie Lee gave Alexander Hamilton the magazine the involve the full information of the affair. Eliza Hamilton has even titled it herself in which resulted to be The Reynolds Pamphlet. Hamilton nearly broke down to his knee on the point of having an anxiety attack. The eldest children Philip and Angelica were in complete shocks when they saw the story of their mothers' affair in the local magazine. When confronting Eliza about it... the mother didn't deny it not even one bit.

Alexander Hamilton felt ashamed, embarrassed, but mostly angry. Just how could Eliza do this to him? How could she do this to the children? Though Alexander wasn't the only that suffering from a broken heart. No sincere, another man that is painfully distraught and broken by this notorious affair is none other than Lafayette. When the French male heard of what Eliza did to break his brother's heart. He was furious, ashamed and embarrassed as well. Lafayette never felt so heartbroken in his entire but not for himself but instead his brother. The two brothers felt letters that Eliza has written to them in their high school and college years together. Alexander Hamilton was starstruck and basically helpless whenever he read Eliza letters during the years of their relationships as a couple then to their married life. While Lafayette has always been in love with Eliza but could ever take her away from his brother. Instead, he was satisfied with the letters that Eliza send to him. That what's the French male looks forward to and only to live for.

Now Philip, Angelica, and Georges (Lafayette son) are all worried for both Alexander and Lafayette. The Caribbean male continues to shed his tears onto the French immigrant. Lafayette felt so furious with Eliza since she made a promise to him and him only to take care of his brother. Instead, she tears his heart into an uncorrectable amount of pieces. Soon Alexander could no longer shed any tears but still felt the anger and heartbroken within him. The Caribbean immigrant very close to the fireplace while Lafayette usher the children to hang out for awhile. The three children appreciate the offer since the intention will rise once Eliza returns home. Lafayette left Alexander in his office room while he stays in the living room that also has a fireplace. Tears stream down his face before reading the letters that Eliza wrote to him. The French male looked at the fireplace before looking back at the letters. Clutching the letters in his hands before checking up on Alexander who was still sitting close to the fireplace while reading the letters Eliza read to him.

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