Grieving Son (Angst)

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Disclaimer: Inspire by the scene from Beetlejuice The Musical   (On With The Story)

It's been about for almost four years since the death of Alexander Hamilton after dueling with Aaron Burr. Ever since the death the African American male had soon left the country to England. Leaving his only daughter Theodosia behind as she was engaged to be married toward Philip Hamilton. Apparently, almost three years ago Philip was shot during a duel as well but luckily survive. Though it wasn't meant to be for Alexander Hamilton as he was right before his ribs. The doctor did everything they could to save the husband and father for the family but it was too late. After a week is when the Caribbean immigrant soon passed by leaving a beautiful wife and eight beautiful children behind. Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton let out a horrifying scream when realizing that her husband died in her arms. The death took a great toll for the children including James Alexander Hamilton whom he was extremely close with his father. The death just shook James into denial where he didn't believe that his father is actually dead.

Until the funeral is what hit James into a bliss of reality where his father is actually gone. Taken away from this earth, Alexander Hamilton died too way within his 40's never getting the chance to grow old with his late Eliza. Never getting the chance to see his children getting married or seeing his grandchildren being born. James took the consideration of going through the grief by wearing multiple black clothing and sometimes wearing his father's clothing. Some of them fit him including that green suit but most of the clothes fit within his older brothers. James wearing a lot of black clothing lately rather than his usually red suits or red vest etc. Eliza assumes that's her son's way of coping with Alexander's death. He lost his father at 12 years old and just only 16 years old now, still, a young child who needed his father within his life.

Every night James would cry silently on his bed with his father picture laying next to him and just hold it tightly. There are days where the young son just laid in bed for a couple of days just only eat, bathe, read, then sleep. That cycle would go on for only three days for the past 4 months. Soon, Eliza began dating the one and only Lafayette since a year before Alexander's death is when then former French soldier lost his wife to an illness. It was hard for him to become a single father of four children. Soon after the French revolution, Lafayette decided to start a new life back in America. Along with his beautiful children, is when two years passed by Hamilton's funeral is when he and Eliza decided to become a couple. They couldn't be happier being together and perhaps it was something that their late significant others would've wanted.

All the children from both families knew about them dating except for James since knowing he wouldn't take it lightly. Well, this agreement couldn't be any more true than ever at first the young teen was upset but gotten over it since his mother and Uncle Lafayette were only dating. Convincing himself that the relationship wouldn't work out and would just resume being as friends just like in the beginning. Ooooh, James Hamilton wouldn't be more wrong than ever is when last night. The newly founded engage couple was snuggling against each other while sharing a few kisses until suddenly hearing James shouting at John. The two boys were running around the house while yelling at each other while Eliza just jumps out of bed while Lafayette covers himself underneath the bed. Like, that's would have fooled anyone but who knows?

James burst into his mother's with scowled looks on his face is when the mother instantly know that look. Assuming that John has taken the liberty to steal his brother's books once again. Ever since Lafayette's children invited themselves into their homes has caused the house to be louder and more ruckus than ever. James couldn't take the loud noises in this loud any longer. Grabbing a large suitcase from underneath his mother's bed. The same mother who was having an inner heart attack praying that James doesn't take the bed covers off. Her prayers were almost as James finish packing up his items. Most likely to stay with her father at Upstate for the time being. Not alarm by these situations as James is becoming a young independent man. That is until the luggage catch the glim of the cover which was immediately revealed Lafayette laying down on Eliza's. The young teenage boy at this French immigrant in shock before staring at his mother. Eliza's face was in a deep shade of red with second hands down of embarrassment. while Lafayette was just laying there frozen in his place unaware what to do now. James lightly shaking just continue staring at his mother with an equal amount of shock and calm expression on his face.

"M...Mother...why is Uncle her bed?" James asks

Both the adults sigh deeply knowing that James must know their engagement sooner or later as the other children did but not James. It was one thing for him to accept them for dating but getting engage and married right off the bat. Not only that but Alexander's fourth child is still going the grieving processing of handling his father. Despite the fact that Hamilton died over 4 years ago but James still remembers it as if his funeral came to understand. He can't just accept it now not everything his mother, siblings, and himself been through. Except Eliza believes this is good for both her and the children since Lafayette would be a wonderful step-father toward Philip and the others. A father figure is what James needed in his life right now.

"James..." Eliza whisper before continue to speak, "James...son. Gilbert ask for my hand in marriage and I accept his proposal"

"What...?" James gasped before clinging onto his mother attempt to dissuade this man's proposal. Why would his mother decide to marry once again? It's been a short 4 years old since Alexander's passing...Eliza shouldn't be getting married again. Right...his mother still loves his father...?

"Mother, please you can't!!!" James plead

"James, please son. This is a good thing for all of us. I need a husband you need a father" Eliza responded


James shouted and smack his mother's hand away from his shoulder. Tears were streaming down his face for the first time for the last six months. Lafayette walked closer to the young teen before holding his hands. The teenager's heart skips a beat as his late father used to hold his hand whenever on hard times. Lafayette gave me a small warm smile that Alexander always gave to him. Except this is Lafayette, this man isn't his father and will never be apart of his family nor his life.

"James, I know this is hard. But perhaps you and I become husband and wife. Perhaps being your faith bringing us together" Lafayette explains

James tears were still rolling down his face before yanking his hand away from this...person. Alexander Hamilton is the only man and only father figure he needed. He's not gonna his Uncle Lafayette, his father's best friend to replace the male parental he misses the most. Looking down to the ground as tears continue flooding down his face not daring to stare at his mother in the eyes.

" I wish I was dead instead" James spoke

Eliza and Lafayette gasp in shock as the son quickly pulls the covers off his suitcase and rushing out of the house. The mother began crying against her fiance who was comforting her in his arms at the moment. While Philip and the others witness James rushing out of the house not giving a second glance. The only place that James could only go at the moment. His late father's office, luckily no one else has taken over Hamilton's office even after four years since his death. Guess, they wanted to respect him leaving his office untouched and kept clean and tidy. It was also the place where he would go visit Alexander after school, when he or his siblings were arguing, sometimes even spend the nights with his father. Still, the one place where his father's spirit is still alive and not be taken away from his grasp.

Hope y'all enjoy it 

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