The Prank Call

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Washington: Ladies and Gentlemen give it up for New York most loving comedian Peggy Schuyler!!

Fans: *Whistling and cheering as they chanted Peggy name nonstop*

Peggy: *waving while smiling at her fans* Whoo! Wassup, New York!!! man...this state and city have given me a lot of memories. The funniest and most memorable moment I have here in New York City is when me and my homeboy Alex prank call my sister

Fans: OOOH!!!

Peggy: It gets better once I tell the story. Ok, my darling

Fans: *Cheering as Peggy is about to begin her story*

Peggy: One day, my homeboy Alex tells me:

Alexander: "Peggy, you know what? Angie is always messing with us. Why don't you mess with her?"

Peggy: I go, "What should I do?". And then he goes:

Alexander: "Why don't you prank call her?"

Peggy:  I go: "Dude, that's a good idea". Like a little kid I go and pick up the phone and was like: *making the beep bop boop phone sound and dial-up*

Peggy/Alexander: *giggling mischievously*

Peggy: *makes the phone dial-up the sound before looking at Alexander's*  "We're so stupid"

Angelica: *picks up the phone unaware of the prank call while breathing heavily*  "Hello?"

Peggy: *makes a realistic man voice* "Hello, ma'am. Hi, this is the front desk. Listen we're having a report of a lot of noise coming from your room."

Alexander: *laughing in silent while winking at Peggy*

Peggy:  *Trying not to laugh*  "Do you think you could please keep the noise down?"

Angelica:  *straight up confused but goes with the flow*  "Oh...I'm sorry, sir. I didn't know I was making noise???"

Peggy:  "Thank you, ma'am. Please keep it down."

Angelica: "Okay"

Peggy/Angelica: *hang up* 

Peggy: Ten minutes later. Call her back

Alexander/Peggy: *phone began dial-up once while giggling*

Peggy: *quietly giggle while elbowing Alexander's* "Shut up, dude, shut up*

Angelica: *confusedly picks up the phone again*   "Hello?"

Peggy: *scream through the top of lungs causing Alexander to jump with her "Manly" voice* "HELLO MA'AM!!"

Angelica: *jump a little before pulling her phone away from her ear*

Peggy:  *getting so into her character that causes Alexander's to fall off the couch*  "Hi! Front desk again! Listen, obviously you did not understand what I said about the noise! You.Need.To.Keep.The.Noise.Down"

Angelica: *confuse as hell and tries explaining herself*  "But, I'm not maki..."

Peggy: *still in character while interrupting Angelica*  "MA'AM LISTEN!!"

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