Remember Me

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Hamilton POV

I was sitting in my office working on a few paperwork whereas one of my sons William but happily reading his children book. The rain was pouring down lightly where my anxiety of thunderstorm isn't too strong since I always hear the soft voice of poured rain. I'm not a fan of harsh thunderstorm since it reminds me of the hurricane that nearly damages my village. Though after a couple of years from therapy seem to help me keeping calm and staying strong for my eight children. When my beautiful wife, Eliza has given birth to our first set of quadruplets which are Philip, Angelica, Alexander Jr or AJ for short, and then James. They're beautiful children and I love dearly to my heart which cost me to work long hours so can I provide them and Eliza. Later on about two years later Eliza gave birth to our other set of quadruplet in which name John, Williams, Eliza, and last but least Philip Jr.

I know it's confusing why I have two sons name, Philips'. Well, you see during the time where Eliza was pregnant with the other set of the quadruplet is also the time where Philip was greatly ill. We believe that he wouldn't make it and so decided to name our youngest child after his oldest brother. Though by a miracle by an angel from heaven above Philip suddenly was well and healthy. I thought about changing our youngest son name but Eliza convince me to name our youngest child Philip Jr or PJ. It was easier that way for both of us and our two sons as well. We often make laugh about it even to this day.

Now all my children about 7 to 9 years old in which they're a bit rowdy and loud. Then again they are young kids so what you expect. Then again with the few years that flew by in your life, you'll never know what to expect. Proximately, almost 3 three months ago I return home late from home basically almost 2 am when I notice the door to my house was wide open. My heart began racing through the course of my body. Dropping my suitcase and important paperwork in my parking lot before rushing into my house. I pull my gun out that I usually carried with me everywhere I go. Specting the house from top to bottom in which luckily no one was there. To my comfort and relief that I fear my wife and children to be in danger.

While locking the door and making sure I did three times before heading into the kitchen to drink coffee. It always calms me whenever I'm on edge. I was shaking almost in tears just thinking of what could happen if someone was inside my house. Calming myself down in about five minutes I notice a piece of paper sitting on the table. When I first read the letter I was torn up, confuse, and most of all angry.

I'm leaving

                From Eliza

I wanted to start crying and scream out of frustration but then I saw William and Eliza holding hands as they walk into the kitchen. They spoke that both have a terrible nightmare believing their mother has abandoned them. In fact, Eliza did abandon not only me but also our children. She exposes our children in danger by leaving the door wide open for anybody like a serial killer or a wanted sexual predator. Though in the end I still love my darling wife and patiently for her to come back home.

Bringing myself back to reality where I saw William staring out the window while holding the picture of our family portrait. My little Willie stare at the picture with sadness as I saw a few tears rolled down his face. Hugging the picture tightly into his little chest. Standing by his side looking outside the window as I did the same. We usually sing our song that my mother wrote while I was just an infant and my older brother was just a toddler. Then it became our song that we would sing to our own family.

Third POV

Hamilton looked at the young boy who nearly resembles him in so many forms that people mistaken him for being his little brother. The young father chuckles at the thought of that but worried some that his son misses his mother dearly. All the children didn't understand the reason why their mother left them behind. Alexander couldn't understand that as well since he and Eliza were so close and happy. Williams stares at his father with his teary eyes before tugging at his pants.

" Mommy coming back?" the child asks

The young father heart broke in a massive piece as if it were a glass doll being thrown to the wall before being shattered. Giving his son a sad smile that perfectly disguises itself as a soft smile before carrying him into his arms. The tiny hand touch Hamilton cheek as the young boy sniff a little.

"Mommy coming back, Willie. She just needs a break" the young father lied

"Why she needs a break? Doesn't she loves us"

"She loves you and all your brothers and sisters to your heart content"

William continues to stare outside where the rain continues to pour its water on Earth. The young father and child continue looking beyond the outside world while listening to the pouring water. All the other 7 sevens were napping on the floor cuddling together. They just recently fell asleep not too long ago whereas William refuses to fall asleep with listening to the beautiful song that he and his parents would sing together as a family.

Remember Me

Though I have to say goodbye

Remember Me

Don't let it make you cry

For even though I'm far away

I'll hold you in my heart

William gave his father a smile on his tiny child face before unknowing that he accidentally dropped the photo frame to the ground. It was unnoticed to the young father as well before lightly swinging his son up in the air. The father and son began to laugh peacefully as they glide around for a bit until William's began singing with his father just for a little bit. Hearing the sleepiness in his child's voice but nevertheless, Alexander continues to sing to his young boy.

I'll sing this secret song to you

Each night we are apart

Remember Me

Though I have travel far

Remember Me

The little boy was laying down on separate blankets that Alexander layout earlier today. Kissing his son on the forehead before he's has fallen asleep his little nap times. The young father heart was still shattered by Willams' question earlier wondering if his mother's coming back. How could Alexanders' explain to the children that their own mother abandoned him and them as well? The Caribbean Immigrant couldn't understand why his loving Eliza left him since they're doing just same. Sure, they have their disagreement from here and there but they always made up in the end. Their silly arguments always end with them kissing with compassion before cuddling on the couch. Though Hamilton continues singing the beautiful lullaby.

Each time you hear a sad guitar

Know that I'm with you

The only way that I can be

Until you're in my arms again

Walking back to his desk while singing the lullaby but to be unknown that Alexander heard a crack sound. Wondering what he steps tended to be the photo that William drop earlier but neither of them notices it. The glass of the frame was cracked and shatter in which could've torn the photo. Taking the picture out of its frame as Hamilton stares at it with tears rolling down his face without knowing it until now. Tears dropped on the photo where he saw his wife beautiful angelic smile. Holding the photo unto his chest as he sobbed a little

"Remember Me" Hamilton sang in a soft tone

The Caribbean Immigrant fingers touched one of the upper corners where a picture of Eliza smiling that Alex lover dearly for the last time. Tearing the picture that contains the face of Eliza Hamilton is tore off from the family photo for good. Alexander's wiped the tears away as to his neglections whereas he didn't know that Jefferson, Madison, and Burr were upset to see this young father in dismay for the abandonment of his wife. Still, Alexander Hamilton dropped the picture that contains Eliza's face into a trash bin where she'll be completely forgotten by her ex-husband and the children as well. 

Phew  l almost forgot that I wrote this last night but any I hope you like small angst and it may become a full story but I don't know yet

Also, I don't own the song "Remember Me" it belongs to the creators of the wonderful movie  Coco

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