Hamburr Forbidden Love story Pt 2

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Chapter 2: A Forbidden Birthday

A couple of months has passed by since the young couple has been engaged by that glorious night. Alex and Aaron did their best attempt in order to see each other in secret but have to keep a close eye on Washington. Luckily for the next two weeks, Washington was called into an important business trip in which Martha gladly volunteer to take over her husband position. Martha wasn't strict about Alexander relationship with Aaron since she could definitely tell just by seeing how much the two boys loved each other. She kept the secret of them continue dating from her husband even though she hated keeping secret from her husband but this is an exception. She didn't understand why her husband is against Alexander relationship with Burr, but that story will be told for another time.

Inside Aaron apartment, the two teenagers were cuddled up on the couch as they didn't pay attention to the cold air. Though neither felt the cold air passing through the room as they were only greeted by the warmth of their love. Alexander sigh happily while he presses himself on Aaron's chest as he adores the beautiful ring. This ring will always be the item that brought the couple closer together even more so than ever before.

"I'll always be with my darling Aaron. Inside his warms arms where I'm safe and protected by him" Alexander thought happily as he couldn't wait for their wedding. Just being dazes out into space as Aaron gently combed his dark brown hair. Soon the Caribbean teenage was suddenly snap out of his daydream by the sound of his angelic boyfriend voice.

"Huh?" Alexander responded questionly 

Aaron chuckle lightly before briefly Alexander forehead with passion and love before he began to speak "Happy birthday, my love"

"You remember..as always"

"How could I forget? I'm marrying the most beautiful man on earth"

Alexander felt his entire face heating up along turning into cherry red which causes Aaron to chuckle lightly. The slightly older teen always love how he could turn the school smartest kid all lovey-dovey and fluster as well. He couldn't help it but see that side of Alexander only he get to see with his own eyes. Alexander frown slightly before looking away from his darling Aaron, who looked at him with concern. Usually, the Caribbean male usually does it whenever something was bothering Alexander which causes a lot of red flags in Aaron mind.

"Alexander, my love. What wrongs? What's been on your mind?" Aaron questions with concern

"It's nothing darling...but if I may ask one question" Alexander respond

"Anything, love"


Aaron heart just suddenly crack once seeing tears that were streaming down his darling Alexander face. Soon, the smaller teen began sobbing in order to keep it quiet but he couldn't but began crying on Aaron's chest. The older teen soon began comforting his heart broken lover once again but still in shock that his lover could ask him such question. He has to get to the bottom of this.

"Alexander, love. Why asks such question?"

"I ask such question is because....I'm not attractive and I'm obnoxious, self-centered, ...and selfish. How could you love someone like me...I'm nothing...but a...path...."

Aaron pressed his lips against Alexander, who was shocked by his lover bold move. Never once in their relationship has Burr ever made a daring move on Alex. Still the smaller teen didn't hesitate but return the kiss as stream were streaming down his face. The young couple continues with their bliss kiss just for a while longer until both broke the kiss due to the need for breathing. Aaron cupped Alexander face gently with extreme gentleness where the slightly older teen was afraid to break his lover as if Alex were to be a fragile doll.

"Alex, my one, and only Alexander Hamilton. Never call yourself pathetic cause you're not pathetic. I fell in love with you for your personality after that one certain project when you treated with me kindness and as a human for once in my life. Never has anyone has treated me with such kindness as you did my love. I assume I would've been single for the rest of my life until that one wonderful night when we first confess our love before sharing our first kiss. That night I knew that I wanted to marry you and grow old with you for the rest my life. You're the one that healed the hole in my heart. I can't imagine my life without. I'm so lucky to have you." Aaron confessed before kissing all over Alexander's face with comfort and love.

"Oh, my darling angel, Aaron Burr. I'm the one that's lucky to have you in my life. When we first began that project I couldn't get you off my mind. You were patient with me and treated me with such pure gentleness that it causes my heart to skip a beat. I was so scared of being in a relationship with anyone since the people that I've fallen in love with always tend to leave me. I was so scared that if I confess my undying love for you, you'll eventually leave and never speak to me again. That night when we shared our first kiss, I knew that you're the one for me. I couldn't stand not having with you in my life. I was so afraid that you'll leave me after finding out that Washington had forbidden me from ever seeing you again. And yet, you stay by my side..." Alexander sobbed

"I'll always stay by your side no matter what my love. I love you and I'll always love you, my Alexander"

"As I'll always love you, my beloved, Aaron Burr"

The young couple kisses each other again before the kiss suddenly began to grow deeper as Aaron slowly slid his tongue into Alexander hot cavern mouth. The smaller teen moans lightly while squirming underneath his boyfriend wrath of feeling his hands traveling around his body. Suddenly out of the blues, Alexander notices that they weren't on the couch anymore but on Aaron bed as his boyfriend strip his shirt. The Caribbean male blush lightly in order to see Aaron delicious and glorious muscular and tone chest. Both teenage boys never said a word but let their bodies speak for them as they began to make out once again.

Alexander and Aaron couldn't enough of each other as they began stripping each clothes off. Their clothes were scattered around Burr bedroom floor but the couple could care less. They're too busy feeling the desire and pleasure from within each other. Burr teasingly licked Hamilton neck at a slow pace before leaving an endless amount of love bites that were spread around from neck to chest. Alexander moan lightly while moving his hips against Aaron's. The older teen hisses and groans in pleasure before sliding his tongue into Hamilton's hot cavern mouth once again.

For the rest of the night where Aaron and Alexander is the night  when they made pure love all night long. This will be one of the nights where the couple wouldn't forget. All the beautiful kisses and love marks they shared in which was the result of their love marking were beautiful and only they witness with their own eyes. The young couple still couldn't wait for their wedding day once after they graduate from high school.

Hope you enjoy this part  and bye bye 

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