You Are My Sunshine (Single Dad AU)

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Philip POV

Tonight is just another ordinary night while actually, it was a school night. Actually, a  school night for my younger siblings. You all know that I’m the eldest child of eight kids in Hamilton’s household. It’s not easy being an older brother to all seven of your siblings. Especially when you’re from a quadruplet, I don’t know how my mom and dad manage both pregnancies. Lord, must have mercy on them since I know that my father and mother wanted children. In the end, they had me, Angelica, AJ, and James. After two years came John, Williams, Eliza, and PJ. That how my mother and father had eight kids during their first we were a happy family. My mother would hug me a bit tighter and kiss me on the forehead. I was a momma boy back then, I always believe that my mother was gonna be there for me. When I get my girlfriend, my driver’s license, my first heartbreak, I believe all of that...until when I was only 9 years old. I could never forget that night when my father, Alexander Hamilton came from work late at night as usual. 

It’s not always easy being the breadwinner of the household in order to feed your wife and kids. My younger brother and sister, Williams and Eliza notice that mom wasn’t sleeping in her bedroom like she always had. Instead, she left for my father to read while quietly shedding a few tears. My guts feeling knew that my mother wasn’t coming back at all. Now, ten years have passed and I’ve along with Angelica, AJ, and James. We finally graduated highschool while John and the others still have about two years left. 

Sorry, for rambling. I just couldn’t sleep at night when the house is so apartment. Like, I did its nighttime and home is supposed to be quiet. Well... it is too quiet without my father since he’s out of state to help out a well-known bakery in Texas. To be honest, I actually didn’t want Pop’s going out of state but I knew this will be good for us and the bakery, itself. It was hard seeing my dad entering the airport...and flying off to another state. Angelica and Eliza were silently crying on the way back home. My brothers and I just stare out of the window and be silent on the way home. We should’ve gotten used to it, but seeing Pop’s flying to other states or other countries to expand the business of his bakery. I guess we’re just worried about him not making a home for Thanksgivings since the Holidays are our favorite time of the year. The old man always tells us stories of his childhood memories along with Uncle James. Not to mention Mama Rachel, I bet if she were to be alive to this day, she would be the best grandma we could ever have.

Sighing quietly to myself as I walked downstairs in order to get me some late snacks. Or maybe even an early morning breakfast. I just can’t sleep without my Dad here in either to comfort me or scolded me for being up late. I chuckled lightly by the slight memory until entering the kitchen. I saw that both Angelica and Eliza were in the kitchen cooking some eggs, slices of bacon, sausages, hashbrowns, pancakes, and french toast. Last, but not at least coffee which is a need we all desire. Not only to fully wake us up but also to keep the remainder of Dad with us. I know, it’s a bit over the top to have breakfast at 4 am. I suppose all 8 of us couldn’t sleep at all. 

“I guess, y’all couldn’t sleep either,” I asks

“No...” my sisters replied in unions

“I don’t blame you...whenever Dad’s gone for a business trip....It’s not the same without him” AJ spoke

I nodded in agreement as I took my seat at the table before noticing a small cardboard box. Confuse since we only take out the boxes when we’re about to move. Not to mention that Pop’s should’ve told all of us. Curiosity got the better of me when I decided to open the box. I pull out of what seems to be a custom mixtape cassette with the title “You Are My Sunshine”. I saw that it had our Dad’s initials. Wondering of what it could be, I put the tape into an old radio that we been having for years. Pushing the play button is when we heard the soft and familiar voice of our father during his younger years. The weights have been lifted off our shoulders.

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