The World Was Wide Enough (Eliza Vs. Theodosia)

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Summary: Eliza and Theodosia agree to duel against each other. Will they call off the duel or will one of them die from the duel?

(I wrote this about almost two years ago and still make me feel sad and cry a lot)

Requested by: Scp_fan

The following morning arrive as the sun slowly began rising in the skies where both ladies wearing a black cloak in order to keep their identity a secret. Crossing on a small boat on the Hudson River as they arrive Weehawken, New Jersey. The two women that strip their cloak off in order to reveal that the two women who are dueling against each other are Eliza Hamilton and Theodosia Burr, these ladies were once best of friends but now they became the worst enemies anyone could've imagined. Aaron and Alexander attempted to stop the two ladies from doing something that they'll both regret. Though that was almost a month ago where Aaron Burr died from an illness, living Theodosia Jr having a fatherless life for the rest of her future. Alexander tried talking Eliza out of this duel but the young women gave her ex-husband, the man she still loves one last kiss despite the fact that Alex won't kiss back.

Both women know that one of them may die while the other will survive the duel and return to their family. This was something that was unexpected in society since it was rare for women to be dueling against each other. Since dueling was something commonly knowns as a male-dominated role but with women becoming more independent for their choices, this isn't something old but still rare for two women that knew how to use pistols as if they were using it for their entire life. Theodosia shot Eliza a cruel glare that express her entire hatred for the other women. The time has come where both women friendship that became hatred that shall be tested.

One, Two, Three, Four

Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine


There are ten things you need to know

Number one!

We rowed across the Hudson at dawn

Aaron friend, Anne M. Van Ness signed as my

Number two!

Eliza arrives with her crew:

The wife of Lafayette and a doctor that she knew

Number three!

I watched Eliza examine the terrain

I wish I could tell you what was happening in her brain

This woman has poisoned our orphanage pursuits!

Most disputes died and no one shoots!

Eliza and Theodosia took one glance at each other for a second before looking away from each other. They both shared the idea of opening the first private orphan in New York City but wasn't approve given the fact that Eliza has a tainted reputation for insulting for one Congress members in public. Let's just say that the ex-wife of Alexander Hamilton has said a few colorful words to one of the Congress Members. Which resulted that the private orphanage opening is automatically put on hold. Theodosia dream of helping to raise hundreds of children that are parentless. In order to create a wonderful future for the young kids when all people have doubted them, Theodosia wanted to be a mother once again for the newer generation but it'll never come true.

Eliza felt a sting of regret for ever agreeing to duel against one of an old friend. This is the same women that instantly became her best friend when they first met. Somehow through the years of their lives, their friendship was put to the test where they began disagreeing with each other and having heated debate that turns into a rough argument. There are times where Alexander has to separate the two women from killing each other in public. Eliza didn't like how her friendship with Theodosia has suddenly fallen apart in their lives but that how life works in real life.

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