Barely One Day (Jeffmads)

397 10 3

Prompt: Shut up and kiss me

Thomas POV

I was sitting down as I hugged my knees tightly against my chest. Biting my lower lip quite harshly where I'll make it bleed. But I didn't care since I ruin my entire relationship with my beloved James and I. Tears wanted to stream down my face but I couldn't let myself to be weak at this moment. I don't deserve to cry now I screw things up with James. What I said to James at school in front of an entire crowd which not only tore James up but also humiliated him. How could I say those things to him? I promise him and myself that I would always protect my beloved James but I fail. I broke my own promise because of me. Cause I couldn't control my own damn temper and jealousy.

The sense that I cause at school was still fresh inside my mind. The look on James is something I couldn't matter how much I wanted to. Tears finally streamed down my face as I began crying on my knees. Finally, letting the guilt and regret consume over me as I continually sobbed onto my knees letting my jeans were soaking wet.

Flashback: Five hours ago

"Tommy!, please stop it!!" James shouted at me as the people in the entire cafeteria looked at us. Many of them are in shock since we hardly ever argue. We usually have a few disagreement but Jemmy and I always work them out. Though this was a different matter since the jealousy within me just suddenly exploded. I notice Aaron and Jemmy have been close friends but I notice Aaron getting a little too close to James. I don't usually get jealous but when people get too friendly or handies with James...I couldn't help but be jealous. Since I'm afraid that James might eventually leave me for someone better than me.

"NO! I won't stop! I swear Jemmy you disgust me!!" I kept on shouting as tears continue to stream down his face. I didn't care since the anger consumes over me, the jealous that prevail me just suddenly been replace with anger. I just continue on shouting at James in front of hundreds of people as my beloved boyfriend cover his ears as the endless tears flood his face. Soon I regret ever saying those horrible words to him. How could I fucking say to him?! None of this is his fault but my own.

"James, you're nothing more than a slut!! I wish I've ever met you!!" I cover my mouth in shock of myself that I actually said it. James gave me the most heartbreaking look on his face before new fresh of tears cover his face before running away from me. The monster that made him cried,..soon I met with a bitch slap on my face from Hamilton. I was too much in of shock that Hamilton actually had the gut to bitch slap me in front everybody. Tears wanted to stream down his face but put on a brave face before chasing after Madison.

The rest of the after school I was ridiculized and mocked that even my own locker have been destroyed. Washington sends me home early since he knew that I was my breaking point. The rest of the day I just stare at the ceiling blankly before hugging my knees to my chest.

End of Flashback

I wanted to call my darling Jemmy but perhaps he wouldn't want to talk to a monster like me. The ache in my heart has been killing for the past couples of hours...I couldn't stay away from James. I could only last barely one day. I need to have James forgive...I don't care if it takes me ten years...I just want James inside my arms once again.

James POV

I was lying down on my bed as tears continue to soak up the fabric of my pillows. The pain in my heart continues to break at each hour, minutes, and seconds. The horrible incident that occurs between Tommy and me during at today in the cafeteria. I couldn't believe that Tommy actually wishes that he never met me. I know he didn't mean it but those words still crack my heart bit by bit. After running away from the humiliation that I cause between Tommy and me. If I didn't get too attach with Aaron then perhaps none of this would've happened in the first place. I stare at the window with the little hope that was barely alive in my heart believe that Thomas would come back to me.

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