Golden Rules: Six AU and Angst

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Golden Rules

Warning: Does discuss miscarriages and stillborns. Alright!! Good!!!

King Alexander Hamilton Schuyler was in the Royal Garden with his only son. Prince Philip is the surviving child out of the eight pregnancies. The King and Queen desire younger siblings for their beloved son. But the rest of the last seven pregnancies ended in tragedies. Some lead to miscarriages while others led to stillborns. Soon after three years of their marriage. Prince Philip was born. Despite finally having an heir to the throne, Queen Peggy desires a baby girl in order to continue the bloodline.

  Not to mention Peggy's multiple affairs with fellow guardsmen. Also, some of Alexander's Lords are in waiting. Eventually, the Queen did gave birth to a baby girl. Except it wasn't the King's daughter. Instead, the beloved daughter belongs to Duke Thomas Jefferson. One of Alexander's enemies. This was the biggest stab in the back toward the King. Nothing hurts more than knowing his wife gave birth to his rival child.

  Nevertheless, the King cherished Duchess Lucy Jefferson as his own. Wiping the tears away as he witnesses his son and stepdaughter playing around the Royal Garden. Just hearing the sweet sound of innocent children playing peacefully. What he didn't notice was witnessing Jefferson and his beloved Queen around the garden. Both are completely unaware of Alexander and the children's presence. King Alexander quickly has one of his Lords take the children away. The Duke and the Queen share a passionate kiss. Soon Jefferson opens his eyes just to witness King Alexander walking away. Smirking a little during the kiss he shares with Peggy.

The King scent Jefferson's cockiness while walking away. Tears were streaming down his face while keeping a pure smile. He'll never let anyone see his anger or sadness. Which will give Hamilton's enemies the satisfaction they want. No matter what he heard from the guards nor the servants. He never says a single word in order to keep his family together. Despite the pain and suffering during the reign of their marriage.

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