Chapter Nine

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Dean left probably the fifth house he'd been too, and still had no idea what they could be dealing with. He only hoped Sam had more luck researching back at the motel. But he did have a location that was worth checking out. 

Grabbing his cell phone, he dialed Sam's number and waited. When all he got was an answering machine, he groaned and waited until the robotic female voice finished her schpiel before talking. "Hey, Sam. Meet me at the run-down mansion on 87th Avenue. I don't think it's anything, but it's worth checking out."  Snapping his phone shut, he stuck it in his FBI suit pocket before he started walking to the mansion that was thankfully not that far.

He hummed to himself, nonchalantly kicking a stone as he looked up at the sky. The sun was starting to set already. "Damn, this day went fast," Dean spoke with a huff, stopping on the sidewalk when he could hear rustling in a nearby bush. 

Glad he had his pistol, he watched the bush closely but it didn't make another sound after that. So he continued on his way to the mansion.

It really didn't take long, maybe a twenty-minute walk before Dean made it to the mansion. For old, it looked pretty decent. Window shutters were painted, so were the doors and walls. "From what I heard no one lives here. Who would want to keep it nice?" He slowly walked up the wooden steps of the walkway, the wood groaning under his weight. "Weird. Why are only parts of it renovated?"

Glancing around the area, Dean opened the screen door before he slowly pushed the green door open to step inside the mansion. Unlike the outside, the inside was falling apart. Wallpaper peeling off the walls, dust covering everything, white sheets over all the furniture. 

"Freaky." Dean's green eyes scanned the dust on the floor, noting that someone had been there recently. There were scuff marks from movement across the hardwood floors. He started to follow them, his brows furrowing when what looked like blood spots spattered the ground. He suddenly felt like he shouldn't be investigating this on his own. Where was Sam? Sam always has his phone on him.

Dean slowly started to back to the door, the floorboards in another room creaking very loud and very slow. Each creak got closer to him and he ripped his pistol from his belt and aimed it in the direction he could hear it all from. 

Again, he grabbed his phone and quickly called Sam for the second time. "Sam, come on and get here!" He ordered into the phone once he again got an answering machine and slammed his phone shut, dropping it as he fumbled to get it back in his pocket. Dean definitely regretted his decision to come here alone.

A deep growl echoed around him. A very guttural noise that could only belong to some sort of creature. Whatever was here did not like him in its house. "Heh. I'm uh...I'm going now. Bye." He turned on his heel, ready to run, but came face to face with a shadowy figure. He couldn't see its features.

A sharp purple barb pierced his chest and he hissed in pain as blood started to soak his shirt. It wasn't deep enough to kill him. But...what was it? After only a few seconds, his limbs felt weak. Wobbly. His vision had become blurry and he could hardly stand anymore. The pistol fell from his hands and the world around him kept spinning in circles. 

It didn't take long at all before Dean could no longer support his own weight and he collapsed to the ground. He saw the shadowy figure disappear from sight as whatever it was started dragging him across the floor. But he couldn't tell where he was going, for the world turned completely black. 

Sorry that this one is a bit shorter, but I kinda am a little tired and can't really focus on this right now.

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