Chapter Thirteen

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Starla stared at the figure grasped between Sam's large but gentle fingers. She knew that Dean wasn't in any danger from the younger Winchester, but he looked nervous nonetheless. Her throat felt dry. Words weren't rolling off her tongue any easier than they were Dean's.

Sam cleared his throat and forced himself not to cringe at the way Dean's body tensed against his fingers at the sound. Figuring it was what his brother wanted, he carefully lowered him onto the surface of the bed near Starla so the two could talk. After Dean was out of his hand he knelt down on the floor beside the bed.

The Borrower watched Sam, the movements hardly affecting her at all but Dean was stiff with his back toward Sam, his green eyes that she'd normally stare up into wide and glinting in obvious fear. "Dean, it's okay." She stepped forward, nearly falling from the unstable surface when leather-wrapped arms caught her to steady her. 

The sensation was so foreign. She almost wondered if this was what it was like to be normal. But a purplish colored barb sticking from Dean's torso caught her attention and she observed with an almost childlike curiosity. 

Dean, finally finding his voice spoke as he held Starla in his arms to keep her upright even though he too was having trouble keeping his balance. "Yeah, stare at it why don't ya?" He grumbled, a little harsher than he had intended, but the Borrower didn't even flinch. The sudden shock he felt from this washed away as quickly as it had come because he remembered he was simply closer to her height.

"Sorry, it's just..." Starla trailed off as she looked at where the barb was positioned, slowly reaching out and brushed her fingers along the side of the wooden textured thorn. "This looks almost familiar." She whispered to no one in particular, looking up to meet the green eyes looking back at her with curiosity and confusion. 

Sam, still hovering back barely managed to pick up the nearly inaudible whisper from the tiny teenager. "You what? You recognize it? How, why?" He questioned, leaning in and trying not to make either tiny beings on the bed frightened.

"I don't know." She responded, now turning her own blue eyes to meet at least one of the giant hazel ones looking down at her and Dean with a gentle concern. 

Now Dean finally turned to face Sam like he normally would, the two sharing a concerned look. He was glad despite his miniaturized height, he was able to speak without words to his brother like they always would. And the two of them could see they both wanted to know more. 

Even though Dean was internally still panicking, he spoke up to the giant looming over him. "S-Sammy, we need to get me back to normal. I can't help with research like this so either call Bobby or you're on your own." He surprisingly managed to keep his voice calm, running his tongue over his busted lip.

Sam gave a firm nod, extending his hand to Starla and Dean, offering the most gentle smile he could muster to hopefully ease their, well, Dean's fears. "Here, step on. Let's move to the table." He mumbled, mostly suggesting it. He was glad when his brother stepped forward only to stop at the edge of his fingers.

Starla, watching Dean knew this was her time to help him for once and scrambled up into Sam's palm with absolutely no hesitance. "See? It's fine! It's Sammy!" She stood with her arms out, smiling as wide as she possibly could at the older brother. "Don't be a chicken, I know it's new, but Sam's a gentle giant. I know that better than anyone." Her smile softened and she then extended her hand in front of her. "Come on Dean."

Dean couldn't believe how easy the Borrower made it look. He thought back to how cautious she was when they found her. How she would barely be able to crawl into one of their palms without letting out a soft whimper of fear. And now she could just run into one of their hands with no fear at all. 

A smile tugged at the corner of his lips, and he lifted one foot and pressed it into the large fingers laid out before him. His heart beating in his ears, he fought the urge to turn back and brought his other foot up. Then he looked up to again meet Sam's eyes, those hazel orbs sparkling in a small happiness that Dean could only guess was from the fact he had actually gotten in his palm. Sam's own lips curled into a wide smile. In truth, he couldn't believe it himself. He'd just willingly climbed into Sam's hand.

"I can see you're scared, you don't have to say anything or admit it." Sam's voice rumbled above them, his other hand coming around to keep them from falling while he moved. "I'm just glad you seem to understand I'm still your brother."

"Of course I still get that Sammy. No chick flick moments, got it? Let's just figure out how to fix me." The older Winchester grumbled out, closing his eyes tightly as the hand he was standing on lifted. Heights. Never his thing.

Starla lifted her head, suddenly remembering something their dad would talk about all the time, or what little she would hear of his conversations. "You should look to see if this happened before! Bodies crushed beyond repair, people shrinking, maybe it has!" She exclaimed, most likely louder than she planned as the brothers cast her a genuinely surprised look. 

"No, I already looked. There was nothing on shrinking, but there were disappearances a few years ago. Dean and I can-" Sam stopped speaking and looked at his brother, meeting the tiny green eyes that stared right back. They were more relaxed, but he could see Dean was still on edge. And with him that size, he couldn't help talk to the people's families. It looked like he was on his own for this one. "I can go talk to the families."

Dean saw hesitance in Sam's eyes when he started speaking, and he understood why. Balling his hands into fists, he fought the instinct to argue about Sam going alone. "While I'm not sure about that, you should probably do that on your own. I'm not really too big on the issue right now." He muttered, trying but failing to make a decent pun. He was glad when Sam gave a usual eye roll. It made everything feel almost normal, even if he was still literally sitting in his younger brother's hand with the three to four inch tall Borrower next to him.

Sam felt a tidal wave of relief wash over him. Having his brother agree on the matter made him feel less guilty about leaving him and Starla in the motel while he went out to question the families. It would just be safer for the two of them here. Then again, it was a pretty seedy place. If someone broke into the room they could easily snatch one or both of them up and Sam would have a hell of a time hunting them down. 

For now, all the younger Winchester could do was keep an eye on his brother and the tiny girl he considers his sister until they can figure out what exactly is going on in this quaint little town.

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