Chapter Twenty

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Sam sat in the driver's side of the Impala, his hands digging through the cigar box that held his and Dean's fake ID's. Starla and Dean were both in the cupholder. Dean's eyes, albeit much smaller, had held an envy in them the entire time Sam drove after the ambulances.

"I miss driving my baby." Dean finally grumbled, pushing dirt to one side of the cupholder so Starla could sit down.

Starla and Sam both chuckled. Sam slipped the fake ID into his fake badge, and Starla took a seat where Dean had cleaned off for her. "You didn't have to dust it off, it's not like these clothes are brand new, ya know? I've had to stitch them up many times before." She said softly, resting her back against the wall of the cupholder. Her blue eyes wandered up to Sam.

She'd like to go with him, not wanting to stay in the car for too long without a human around to protect her and Dean. However, she didn't want to stay in a pocket that nearly killed her from heat stroke just a day or two ago. So Starla and Dean remained in the Impala as Sam left the car to investigate.

Once the younger Winchester was gone and the car door securely shut, Starla turned her focus to Dean. "Are you still planning on leaving me behind once you solve this case?" The Borrower asked hesitantly, unsure if she even wanted to hear the answer. She felt his words would only make her heart sting more than it had when he first told her.

Dean met Starla's pained blue eyes and clenched his jaw. His teeth bit down on the inside of his cheek. Taking a moment, he chose his words carefully. "I'm honestly not sure what Sam and I are going to do with you once this is over. We would love to be able to have you with us, but as I said, it's dangerous. And we've lost so many people kid. We wouldn't want to lose you too."

Starla's own teeth bit down on the inside of her mouth, her eyes threatening to water but she forced the tears away. Inhaling deeply through her nose she worked up enough nerve to speak again, but only to change the subject. "Wh-Where do you think your dad went?"

He easily caught the message and decided to humor her, changing the topic. "I don't know. He's our dad, he does as he wants, goes wherever. We can hear from him in minutes or sometimes it takes weeks."

"And you're not worried about him?" Starla questioned. Heck, when her parents disappeared, she was worried about what could have happened to them. It took her a very long time to come to terms with the fact they may never come back.

"Hell yeah, I'm worried! But John Winchester is the guy that trained Sammy and I. He's the guy that had the balls to hunt down that damned demon that killed our mom. If anyone can take care of himself, it's dad." 

Listening to Dean talk, she could easily tell just how much their dad meant to them, even if they never truly voiced it. A slight smile cracked on her lips, and she couldn't help but giggle. "You admire him, don't you?"

After a few moments of silence, Dean scoffed. "Shut up." He muttered, averting his gaze from the Borrower.

Starla laughed and opened her mouth to speak again when a shadow washed over the two of them. Her breath caught in her throat, her face draining of all color, and she didn't dare look. Dean, however, turned around and his own breathing hitched.

The same figure he had seen when he was shot with that purple barb was sitting right in the passenger seat, only it's fanged mouth visible in the darkness of its hood. 

Dean cursed loudly, his first reaction to grab his gun. Then he remembered, he didn't have it. And he certainly couldn't shout for Sam, his brother wouldn't hear him. There was only one thing left. Try and protect Starla. However, the pale hands were too fast. Before he knew it, both the girl he considered a sister and himself were encased in long bony fingers that unquestionably didn't care if they squeezed the life out of the two tiny beings.

Sam returned to the Impala, ready to fill in his brother what happened. Another body, with bones crushed beyond repair. Sam did manage though to check the female's body before it was hauled off, and a circular wound was right above her breasts. It looked like something was torn right out of her after she was already dead. 

Now he had a theory. Whatever this thing was, it didn't have a purpose. This thing was killing for sport. It didn't matter who the victim was. Young, old, rich, poor. It would take anyone's life. 

But there was still something troubling him. If it killed without hesitation, why-?

His thoughts were interrupted when as he arrived at the car, his heart skipped a beat to find the passenger side window shattered from the inside, glass scattered on the pavement. "Starla? Dean?!" He almost dropped his notepad as he ran the rest of the way to find his 'little' brother and Starla gone.

The only clue left behind was the busted window. His heart pounded in his ears as he scanned the area. Someone, anyone had to have seen something! But no one in the general vicinity was reacting. 

"Damn it!" Slamming his hand down on the roof of the car in aggravation and worry, Sam quickly grabbed his cell phone and dialed the one number he hated phoning for situations like these.

"Dad? It's Sam. They're gone."

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