Chapter Eleven

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Dean's cursing started up again and he started pacing the bottom of the box Sam had opened, while Sam could only watch and try and figure out what to do. "We've seen a lot of crazy shit Sam, but never! Never have we dealt with shrinking! Sure we found a Borrower but apparently, that's natural! This?! This isn't natural!"

Sam watched his older brother with furrowed brows, unsure if he should pick him up or let him rant. "Dean, you're right. It's supernatural. And we have to get out of here before what did this to you does it to me, then we're both out of luck and Starla's alone again." The younger hunter started to extend his hand to Dean to help him out, attempting to be slow. He's had plenty of practice carrying Starla around, this should be easy. 

When the large fingers started coming towards him, Dean backpedaled away from the oncoming hand with wide green eyes. What is he doing?! This is Sam! His 'little' brother was right. If that Thing got to Sam, they'd both be dead. So disobeying every nerve and instinct in his body telling him to run, he froze in his place, bracing himself for what was coming.

Despite being barely their height, the fingers that curled around him were gentle. He had to force himself not to go into fight or flight mode, repeating over and over to himself that it's Sam. Th flesh surrounding him was rough and callused, and he could briefly picture Starla putting up with it. 

Sam flinched at how unnaturally warm the body was. He didn't know if it was just his own nerves or if it was Dean's. But with the mini hunter now in his grasp, he knew he was safe and could get him back to the hotel to figure out how to fix this. 

Dean knew what was coming before he could even say a word. He could see that apologetic look in Sam's large hazel eyes before the hand he was in had even started lowering him in the flannel breast pocket of his shirt. For only a few seconds, he felt like he was falling and a startled shout finally escaped even with how hard he tried to fight the fear. 

Instantly, his nose was hit with a strong detergent smell. Darkness surrounded him. A loud thumping noise could be heard nearby. It took Dean only a few seconds to realize that thumping was Sam's own thundering heartbeat, and by the sounds of things, Sam was just as nervous as he was. 

Was this what Starla felt and dealt with every time they would pick her up? Every time they'd stick her in a pocket? And if so, how does she deal with it as calmly as she does?

A roaring noise ripped through his ears and he used both hands to cover them, cringing in pain as he shouted for Sam to cut it out. The roaring instantly died down, and light flooded around him. Looking straight up, he could see one of Sam's eyes peering in at him with a concerned look. "What the hell was that?!" Dean shouted as he slowly took his hands from his ears.

"The Impala," Sam responded, barely able to see his brother in the dimly lit pocket. Had it really hurt his ears that much? Starla never said anything, did it hurt hers too? Or maybe hers are more used to noises at that height than Dean's. 

"No, that wasn't Baby." Dean crossed his arms stubbornly, instinctively flinching when Sam's brows furrowed and one lifted in a questioning gesture. 

Sam hated the feeling that he was the one scaring his older brother when his brother was usually this badass, fearless pain in the ass. Ever since they were kids he's looked up to him, and now he's quite literally looking down on him. "It was, I swear. I'm going to start the car again, you ready?"

Dean grumbled an 'okay' and folded his arms over his chest, sitting with his knees up and sulking in the darkness of the pocket. When the engine started again, this time he was ready and it didn't seem as loud when he heard it the first time. "Did you grab my phone? I dropped it inside." He called, hoping his giant of a brother could hear him over the engine.

"Yeah, I got it. Don't worry." Sam's voice responded, rumbling the chest Dean had been leaning back against. 

The shrunken Winchester fell silent as he felt the vibrations of his brother's voice, and it sent chills down his spine as he remembered just how small he was compared to Sam now. He'd only be slightly taller than Starla. A sharp jab brought his attention to his chest.

Dean had been so focused on what was going on, he'd completely forgotten about the barb sticking out of his chest. He'd wondered if Sam had seen it, or if maybe he hadn't been paying that close attention. Again, he gripped it with one hand and gave it a harsh tug. Pain stung around the wound and he released the strange purple barb, cringing in pain while he sat perfectly still. Whatever the thing is, it's not coming out on its own. 

The two brothers were both perfectly silent the rest of the way to the motel, both of them trying to figure out what kind of creature could have done this to Dean. Both of them in utter disbelief at what happened. 

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