Chapter Eight

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Grumbling, Starla pulled her shirt down to fix it in the dark, hot pocket of Dean's FBI suit. The pocket was under the black coat, and they didn't bother to warn her that she was going to probably die of heatstroke before they even got back to the motel. Already sweating, she could feel her short brown hair sticking to her face. And this was still only the first people they needed to question! 

Dean could feel movement against his chest but didn't want to bring any attention to the Borrower in his pocket while he and Sam spoke to this older woman. 

"So she just disappeared?" Sam asked in a curious tone, one of his eyebrows raised as he took notes on a paper. 

"Yes, her and that other boy too. They didn't even know each other! That's why I'm worried there is some sicko out there kidnapping innocent people." Mrs. Carthy said, tears in her dark brown eyes. "And then they both just turned up, every bone in their body crushed beyond repair."

"Okay. Strange question, uh, have you been smelling any sulfer? Or maybe you've felt some cold spots?" Dean questioned, flinching a little when a something pinched his chest. Taking his hand, he pretended to be putting something in his pocket but instead poked Starla in the stomach with his finger. 

Starla groaned a little and glared at the giant hand as it pulled out of the pocket. Again, she grabbed onto Dean's skin and squeezed as tight as she could so he'd hopefully get the message. Something hit her from the outside and she curled into herself in the pocket. The heat was getting worse by the second and she felt like she couldn't breathe anymore. Her shirt was sticking to her skin. Beads of sweat dripped down her face.

The voices outside the pocket ceased and she was about to say something as warm fingers curled around her. Light blinded her briefly, and she gasped and greedily gulped the fresh air into her lungs.

"Dean, you had her in the inside pocket?! Are you insane?!" Sam's voice echoed in her ears. "Look at her! Her shirt is soaked with sweat, she looks awful."

"How was I supposed to know it'd be too hot for her?" Dean's voice responded. "She didn't need to pinch me twice though." 

"Stop arguing!" Starla shouted at the two, slamming her small fist into the tip of Dean's finger. 

Both boys stopped their bickering and their giant eyes locked onto the exhausted Borrower in Dean's palm.  "I-I want a hot bath and a nice cold glass of water is what I want right now. Th-Think you boys could quit fighting and help a Borrower out?" Starla asked, leaning back against the fingers that were cupped behind her. 

"We've hardly talked to any of our witnesses or family of the missing persons," Dean mumbled, cringing a little and ran his tongue over his busted lip when Sam cast a glare in his direction. "Or, ya know, we can head back to the motel and get her a bath. I got a better idea. Sam, you take her and the Impala. I'll ask around."

"You trust me with Baby?" Sam said, looking at his older brother. "Isn't it your...well, baby?" 

"Yeah. Just go before I change my mind." Folding his arms over his chest, Dean reached into Sam's shirt pocket and snagged his little brother's notebook he was writing in. "And I'll also be taking this for notes."

Sam rolled his eyes and shook his head with a smile. "You're a nut." He said with a deep chuckle, tucking Starla carefully in the pocket of the outer layer of his FBI suit. "It should be cooler there." He assured the Borrower in a gentle tone before he began the short walk to the Impala.

Starla situated herself in the pocket, nodding to what Sam said with a grin. It was much cooler in the outer pocket rather than the inner one. And the fabric was a little softer too. Leaning backward, she stretched her arms over her head and stared into the darkness. The swaying motion as Sam walked was comforting, like she was being rocked to sleep. 

She could remember back before her mom and dad left and didn't return, her mother would hold her in her lap and arms and just rock back and forth, singing to her until she fell asleep. She always thought her mom was beautiful, and her father always said she looked just like her.

Tears pricked her eyes and she used her shirt to wipe them away as fast as she could, shaking those memories again from her head. Memories like that make her want to think they didn't abandon her, but she would never know for sure. 

The swaying motion stopped, and she heard the Impala's car door open. Starla yelped, startled when a large hand scooped her from the pocket into a warm palm and Sam's giant face smiled above her. 

Sam stepped into the car and set her down gently on his knee while he buckled in. Watching Starla, she walked up his leg and sat down at his waist, leaning back against him and hanging onto the strap of the seatbelt for balance. "You gonna be okay there?" He asked, reaching out and playfully ruffling the Borrower's short brown hair. 

"Yes, I'll be fine. But what did you and Dean talk about? You were yelling, that's all I could hear. And then your lip is busted when you come in. How does it feel by the way?" Starla looked up at the human's chin, feeling his body tense. 

"You don't need to know right now. For now, let's just get you back to the motel and we'll get you a bath too." 

"But Sam-"

"Just listen." Sam's tone changed into a stern one, probably the sternest she's ever heard him speak to her. 

Starla buttoned her lips and looked at the underside of Sam's chin, his jaw clenched for whatever reason. Maybe she could ask Dean. But she doesn't want to make either of them angry with her. That's never happened before. For the time being, she decided to just let it go.

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