Chapter Twenty-three

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Starla fought against the hand holding her despite knowing she wouldn't be able to escape on her own. But she wanted to protect Dean. She also needed answers to some of the things this monster was saying earlier.

"You should know fighting won't get you anywhere," the stranger mumbled in an amused tone, his fingers tightening painfully around her body.

Starla squeaked in pain, her arms pinned to her sides as she tried to kick and squirm but couldn't move anything but her head. 

"Noble of you, protecting your friend like that. Stupid, but noble," he laughed. "What will those boys do for you, hmm? They already started talking about leaving you behind. What's to keep them from doing so?"

His words were dripping with venom aimed right for her weakest points right off the bat. Her struggling immediately ceased, her body going limp against the fingers trapping her.

"N-Nothing...I-I guess," Starla answered softly, her voice cracking as she spoke. She knew what he was doing yet her heart continued to ache. She could picture seeing the Impala drive off without her for the second time, this time being left by the Winchesters even though they could bring her along this time. 

The vampire smirked wickedly, chuckling under his breath. He didn't say another word but instead took her to a table where several surgical tools were laid out, dry blood on the tips of them.

Starla stared wide-eyed at the sharp edges of the tools, her heart beginning to pound harder than it already had been. Where was Sam? Hell, where was John?


John looked out the window of the Impala, looking at the spruced up, well-kept building and scoffed. "This is the place? You're sure about that Sammy?"

"It's just Sam, but yes. This is the place. It looks great on the outside but it's pretty run-down inside," Sam responded calmly, looking at the large home. His gut was telling him something was certainly wrong. He could only hope Starla and his brother were safe.

"Alright, whatever you say, son," John got out of the car, doing his best to close the door quiet enough so whoever was inside didn't hear them.

Sam went around to the back, opening the trunk and digging through the duffel bag for a machete. 

Once he found the metal blade, he held the handle tightly and looked toward John. "Here, use Dean's."

John took the blade from his younger son and looked around, glad they had the cover of night in a public area like this. It was dangerous and they didn't need innocent people getting hurt because they were stupidly curious.

Sam was cautious but quick as he headed up the stairs to the front door of the building. He could almost picture his brother walking up those stairs only to wind up shrunk and locked in a black box for some vamp's meal earlier that week. 

As he entered the building with his dad following close behind, he could immediately feel the difference in atmosphere.  The rooms were dark and things seemed too quiet. How was he supposed to find two beings smaller than his hand in this huge place?

Looking around the dark, Sam walked through the living room, then to the kitchen, then to some large study room. Each room was practically empty besides covered chairs and tables. Dust permeated his nostrils. The blood from where Dean had been dragged was still there, now a dark brown from the time it has had to dry.

As he arrived in a large, empty room, he spied a small table across the room. It had a glass aquarium on it. From a distance, it seemed empty, but as he neared it he could see a single small figure leaning up against the tank with their back toward him. It was clear who it was to him right away. "Dean?" Sam whispered, the tiny body tensing and flinching upon hearing his voice.


Dean didn't know how long it had been since that vampire snatched away Starla. His limbs were numb. He couldn't move his fingers, and everything seemed blurry. Whenever he tried to move, it felt like little needles were poking into his arms and legs. However, when that voice spoke his name, despite being startled a sense of great relief washed over him.

"Sammy," Dean muttered breathily, a soft chuckle passing his lips. "About time."

Large hands cast a shadow over him, and he barely heard Sam warn him as the hands delicately lifted him out of the glass prison. The fingers, albeit large, handled him with the utmost care and gentility. Dean felt his body fall against the fingers, and he managed to lob his head so he could see his younger brother.

Sam's large hazel eyes were filled with great concern, the large fingers poking at him as if checking for any other wounds besides the one in his chest with that barb still sticking out.

"Don't worry...about me right now. Starla's with that sick bastard. H-Help her," Dean narrowed his green eyes firmly at his brother, reading his facial expression and struggling to see just what he was thinking. 

Sam at least knew Dean was alive. But he didn't know if Starla was. He hated the thought of walking into another room to find her tiny, mangled body on the floor. 

Sam was hesitant to pass Dean over to his dad, but he did. He trusted John to take better care of Dean than he would the Borrower. "Keep an eye out. I'm going to go find her."

John watched Sam leave the room, machete again in hand after he'd picked it back up from the table so he could get to Dean. He looked down at his eldest son and weighed his options. He could listen to Sam and just make sure Dean was okay, or he could run in with his own knife and help take down the vamp. But he stayed where he was. Right now, making sure both his boys were safe was the main thing on his mind. 

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