Chapter Seventeen

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Starla didn't hesitate at the one word command. With her heart pounding like a bass drum in her chest she ran across the unstable surface of the bed to hopefully escape this stranger.

Dean was horrified that as soon as the Borrower started moving, the dark haired male moved faster. He attempted to duck the body that threw itself across the room. It landed on the bed, causing Dean to lose his balance and fall against the hand that was next to him to keep him from escaping. One large hand landed to block Dean's path, and he couldn't do a thing as the other one with fingers larger than the one they grabbed stop Starla.

He couldn't tell if it was a tight or gentle grasp that had her. He could only pay attention to Starla's panicked, fear filled screams and pleas.

Looking at the hand in front of him, Dean could see many calluses lining the palm. Rough fingers, tan skin. Reminded Dean of his own hands. Again, he had to wonder if it looked like this to Starla too. If this was what she would see anytime him or his brother went to pick her up.

His own heart banged against his ribs. He wanted to get to her, to hold her and tell her everything was going to be okay. But the hand blocking him could easily engulf him to keep him from going anywhere possibly ever again. "Let her go." Dean muttered, his voice coming ou higher than planned and unsteady, which he damned himself for.

"Just calm down," A familiar voice said in a quiet tone. "Sam told me this would happen if I showed up before him but I was worried."

Dean's limbs tensed more than they already were, and he didn't even need to see the man's face before he knew just who it was. Even though he knew, he didn't feel any more comfortable near the hand. "Dad."

Starla fought against the hand holding her securely, large hazel eyes watching her with not hostility, but curiosity. Maybe even a tad bit of annoyance. When he spoke, there was something familiar about his tone but she just couldn't place it. And then Dean spoke, but her fear didn't leave. John Winchester. If anything, her fear only amplified.

This was him. The man she has been dreading to meet, the man she prayed she'd never have to face. And now he had her in his grasp, not seeming like he planned on letting her go anytime soon.

She craned her neck to hopefully see Dean trying to get to her. However, the hand near him was keeping him still and she could read how nervous he was being so close to a hand other than Sam's. Even if it was his own father.

Dean briefly met Starla's wide blue eyes, silently telling her 'It'll be okay' before again facing his father. "Y-You talked to Sam?" His gruff voice was gone, replaced with a nervous, shaky one instead. He wouldn't have sounded that way if he could help it, he knew how his father was. He hadn't handled a Borrower before like he or Sam had. But if he spoke to Sam first, maybe it wouldn't be as bad as any of them feared.

"He gave me a call, yeah. Told me what happened to you and that he might need some help since he was down a man. Sounded pained to admit it too. Then he mentioned her. This brown haired Borrower here. Told me that you've both known her since we came to this town ten years ago. And I thought to myself, 'Well, I better see the girl that made both my boys disobey me.'" John's eyes shifted to Starla, taking note of her terror but still didn't let her free from his fingers.

" would've probably killed her. Sam and I knew how you were. You didn't care if it was a kid, she just wasn't human. And that was all you needed. Now let her go. Please." Dean watched his dad closely, trying to keep his breathing from becoming too erratic. Sam knew he was here. Hopefully, that meant that his brother would be back soon.

He cringed under the harsh gaze that was suddenly sent his way, his legs moving on their own as he backed right up into the hand behind him.

After only a few seconds John's gaze softened, and a slight smile cracked onto his obviously dry lips. "Never thought I'd hear the day you said 'please' to anyone Dean." He spoke casually, glancing to Starla as he lowered the hand that held her by Dean.

The hand that was behind Dean now pulled away, and Dean watched the hand that held Starla approach him. The fingers unfurled, and he wasn't prepared when she threw herself at him, which sent them both tumbling onto the bed.

As soon as Starla wasn't being held captive, she latched tightly onto Dean, not caring that they both fell. She could feel her entire body shaking and just wanted to be away from John. She wanted Sam to come back so she knew her only defense against this human wasn't just Dean's words. "D-Dean, I-I don't want to be out here." She whispered as quietly as she could as he helped her to her feet. She didn't like the way John was just watching them. It terrified her to no end.

Dean didn't blame her for how tight she was clinging to him, her arms around his back. Her face was pressed into him. With how tough and joking she was, he'd almost forgotten she was still only seventeen, still practically just a kid. A scared, timid, three inch tall girl that depended on both him and his younger brother. "Hey, Starla, it'll be all good. Sammy will get here in a little bit."

"What do you need Sam for if I'm already here?" John mumbled above them. Dean felt the arms around him tighten and he returned the favor in hopes to calm the shaking girl.

Dean tilted his head up so he could watch what his dad was doing and talk to him at the same time. "Dad, it's not...I wouldn't expect you to understand. I hardly do. But when Sam gets here she should calm down more. I guess it's the fact he can protect her better than I currently can."

"Y-You can still protect me, j-just not...from him." Starla's shaky voice spoke softly, hoping John wouldn't hear but the way his voice hardened she knew the human heard every word.

"And why would my son need to protect both my son and this from me?" John spat a little harsher than intended, his large finger roughly poking Starla in her side. Dean's small green eyes that were watching him also grew cold.

Dean never liked talking back to his dad or going against his orders, but that wasn't called for. "Starla. Her name is Starla. She's a Borrower, like the movie, and Sam and I aren't going to let her-" He was interrupted by a sharp pain shooting through every bit of his body. He doubled over in pain, his arms releasing Starla as they moved to his chest where the barb felt like it was pulsating against his skin.

"Dean?!" Starla's fear was forgotten as the brother seemed to need help. That thing in him needed to come out, they needed to figure out what to do.

Even as she sat there trying to help Dean, she could feel cold eyes on her. Just watching her. 

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