"Leprechaun Stew"

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Tis March 17th,

And green is afoot

Me Leprechaun polished his teeth

And brushed his foots

Preparing for the race

To find the potted gold

Chasing elusive rainbows

And tales tall-lee told

Now the little fellow

Is sprinting while miss-guided

His lungs are set to bellow

And he becomes hungry and quite chided

An angry Leprechaun

Presents quite the fiery test

They'll wreak havoc on your house cat

As O'Laskey can attest

To appease this island temper

Food must be put forthright

A frothy stew with butter

Best to solve this plight

And for the clovers dime

The cauldron set to boil

Carrots, Taters and Thyme

Added to the briny toil

With the jack rabbit added

And cooked to the bone

The stew is finally finished

Just as the Leprechaun gets home

I set the pot to the table

I curtly spoon the brew

The tumultuous spawn of fable

Pulls up to his stew

Angry in his failure

To become enriched again

He demands his bitter beer

Spills his bowl, and then

I grab him by his brass buttons

While is teeth brightly gnash

I throw him to the cauldron

Still above hot coals and white ash

With a hissing green puff of smoke

He's cast back to fairyland

And in one year from now

He'll be brazenly back again 

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