Chapter Six:

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Chapter Six:

On the bus I sat and tried to keep my nervousness down. He keeps lying about the bruises being from practice. For some reason it kills me that he could just lie, to everyone and his friends.

Gavin walked on slowly, and his eyes searched for my seat right away. As he made his way to me I tried to smile to make him calm down a little. If anything it only made him excited, which made me blush.

Damn her blush is beautiful. I don’t ever regret kissing her, the lie was half worth it. He sat next to me and let out a deep breath, “S- Shane is it okay if I can come over to your place today?”

I smiled and nodded, he visibly relaxed and we settled into a comfortable silence. Gavin didn’t move from sitting next to me, which made my smile widen as I looked outside. When Brent came on my smile disappeared.

“Yo dude, come on.” Brent’s eyes locked on the spot Gavin was in and tried to bring him father down the aisle. But Gavin wasn’t going to move.

“No Brent, I’ll stay here.” I could sense some of his earlier anger still there.

“Whatever.” He snickered and walked to the back. “Little geeky bitch.” His words meant for me, as his eyes found mine. Gavin Growled under his breath and neatly tripped his ‘best friend.’ I couldn’t help but wonder why he hated me so much, it was like over kill for so much hate he had towards me.

“Don’t talk to her like that, asshole.” Gavin still looked pissed. I smiled at him, though he couldn’t see it.

Brent got up without a word but hatred leaked off of him in a foul odor. His eyes never leaving between us, as he got to the back of the bus.

We shared a long look before I turned back to the window. The bus to me, always seemed to be going slow, sometimes I didn’t mind the ride. When it came to my stop we both got up nervously.

Brent was practically screaming his thoughts, what the hell is he doing?

Without turning around I flipped him off and walked with Gavin to my house. He didn’t stray far behind, in fact he stood relatively close.

“Go on upstairs, I’ll meet you there. My room is first on the left.” I eyed the knife in the sink, “Push the wall that’s empty and it’ll lead to my theater.” Gavin nodded and slipped up the stairs.

I worked hard and quickly to clean the dried blood off the knife, I couldn’t believe I’d forgotten about it. When I got up stairs I couldn’t help but move softly, to hear anything that Gavin was doing in my room.

“Boo.” I whispered in his ear, he jumped a foot in the air and threw the remote to my theater TV. Gavin whipped around while I was clutching my sides trying not to laugh.

“Ha ha,” he said sarcastically but smiled, I love her laugh. She just keeps getting more and more beautiful. After hearing that some of my laughter disappeared and was replaced by a bright blush. The tv turned on at being thrown and it was on MTV. The song playing was ‘Never Too Late,’ by Three Days Grace.


“Even if I say itll be alright…-“ I couldn’t help the lyrics slip through my lips, the words after were my favorite lines of the song.

“Still I hear you say you want to end your life.” Gavin finished with me, I looked up and caught his eyes. They held pain that probably mirrored mine. I could guess why for him.

“You okay?” we both ask at the same time. I blush and look down, not quite answering him, he just stares at me with a serious glance.

“Hey, do you wear contacts?” he blurts out, a light blush lightening his features.

“Yeah, have since I was little.” I thought about my purple cat eyes, they always fascinated me. Gavin nodded and sat down in the love seat chair. The next song that came on was, ‘Fall For You,’ by secondhand serenade. I began to whisper the words, to myself.

Gavin watched, but I didn’t notice him, I was too caught up in the song to realize, I actually began to sing louder. At the end I opened my eyes to find Gavin smiling openly at me, a happy smile that I hadn’t seen on his face for I while. His intense stare made me blush furiously and I hid my head between my knees.

I could hear him chuckle and it moved the couch a bit, I soon joined in his laughter. Then we went silent at the sound of ‘Awake’ being played. “will you stay awake for me, I don’t want to miss anything.” I whispered but my eyes held with Gavin’s, not faltering.

“I’ll give you my heart on a string.” He mouthed his own lyric. I smiled behind my knees, this moment was giving me a tingly feeling in my tummy.

“say my name, I just want to hear you- your changing me.” I whispered just loud enough for him to hear. His eyes seemed too brightened like he was waiting for me to say that line. But it was weird how this show could be playing all these songs, they weren’t very popular enough.

“Shane,” Gavin whispered, my breath caught and he began to move a little closer to me. I picked up my head slightly so my chin was on my knee. He came closer until he could wrap his hand around the back of my head and leaned in slowly, as if to ask permission. I leaned closer and gently let my lips touch his and he did the rest, his lips touched mine and they were sweet like chocolate and I instantly wanted more.

I pulled an arm free and wrapped it along his neck to pull him closer to me. He met my passion with his own, equally like mine. Gavin leaned us both back so my head was on the couch and he deepened our kiss, he moaned which made me both smile and come crawling back to my body.

We parted, I’d pulled back first. He didn’t seem to mind too much though, his eyes glistened with lust and hunger, I was tempted to pull him back to me. “It’s, haha its time for dinner.” I was breathing heavily and my instincts were telling me it was dinner time.

Gavin nodded not taking his eyes off me as we got up, held gave me a hand to offer me up, which I gladly took. Walking to the kitchen I had noticed his close distance and I couldn’t help but smile to myself.

Tonight I decided to make grilled chicken salad and a lot of it. I felt hungry enough to eat the whole bowl as I made it, and I could if I wanted to but I knew Gavin had to eat too. When he waited I didn’t miss how he was just waiting for it to be bad, I smirked as I set a big plate in front of him. He winced.

 Once he tasted it he was all for it and had another huge mouth full. I giggled and piled my plate high with the leafy greens. His eyes bulged at it; he doubted I could eat it. I’d proved him by eating it all, bite by bite, until it was all gone. There was about a serving left so I ate that too since he said he was full.

When it was time for me to go to bed I could tell Gavin was starting to get nervous, “Come on, you can sleep in my theater… if you need to you can stay here as long as you need to Gavin.”

He smiled in relief, “Thank you Shane.” My blush crept up my whole neck to my hairline while I nodded furiously. Gavin grinned at me with a smirk while I glared playfully at him.

When I got back to my room, I found a big blanket and handed it out to Gavin. My hands brushed against his arm, sending those familiar sparks rocketing through me. I looked back up at him, and time seemed to stop. His eyes shined with the emotion id seen on his face once, the day I stared hating him. It had also appeared earlier when we had kissed.

It was in fourth grade, and he’d been put up to a bet. He was supposed to kiss anyone he wanted. I ended up being his choice, and I slapped him afterwards because, now that I realized, id been falling for him. Now that I think about it, my ‘hate’ towards him was just the way to keep him from hurting me.

I wish I hadn’t lied about the ‘bet’ and instead just have told her I loved her. That had all been a lie to have an excuse to kiss her. She is so beautiful. This little bit I caught off of him made me smile, I leaned between the blanket and him and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

“Good night Gavin. Ill wake you up tomorrow.” I let my hand touch his arm to guide him into the theater before turning to my bathroom. Time for a sleepless night, I thought bitterly to myself.

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