Chapter eight:

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well i gues that could be Gavin, afterwards, and probably just a bit thinner.


Chapter Eight:

Gavin jumped a mile when I appeared beside him but I stalked straight up to my room and locked the door. He raced after me and stopped with a hand on my door, “Whats wrong? Are you okay?”

“Ryan has cancer. He’s dying.” I said through the door and let my tears slip from my face. Gavin’s breath came out in a whoosh, not in relief but in sadness.

“I- is it getting better?” his voice was a little shaky

“No, he’s dying. The cancer is terminal.” God why couldn’t these humans just find a cure already? Wait… I remembered an experiment. It had been done when I was around four. The scientists had put some cancerous tissue into me, it was a sick procedure, they didn’t even put me under. But that’s not the point, what happened after is what made me so eager, the next morning where the lump of infected tissue had been was nothing. The cells in my body had killed the cancer and reformed the tissue into my own cells. “Oh god Gavin! I think I know how to help him.”

I staggered to my feet and immediately fell over my shoe, “Ack! Hold on im coming.” I stumbled quickly back to my feet and opened the door. He gave me an excited but also and amused look. I blushed bright red, “Shut up.” Gavin held his hands up and tried to hide his chuckles.

“So what’s your idea?” He asked while following me to the basement.

“My cells.” I said and held the door open for him. His face warped into a slightly disgusted face. “I learned a long time ago that my cells kill cancer and reform the cells.” I tried to explain it to him.

“Oh,” he replied and sat on a chair when he walked down. His eyes scanned the lab, this place always freaked me out. I opened a draw and found a couple syringes, they were the ones id used to have blood extracted from me by. Turning around in a circle I tried finding some slides.

After I got everything, I rolled up my sleeve and cleaned my arm. Gavin winced and turned toward the window to see a glassed shark and jumped a mile before deciding to watch me instead. I slipped the syringe into my arm and slowly took some blood.

When I was sure I had enough I found some of the old cancer tissue in the freezer. Then I put a drop of blood onto the slide with the tissue. I worked quickly and slipped it under a microscope to watch. “Shit!” I hissed when I saw my blood turning the cancerous cells into my cells and they weren’t human anymore.

“What?” Gavin came up behind me and put a hand on my arm. It made me smile, “Is everything okay?”

“No,” I sighed and sat back on the chair, his hand still around me. “My cells transform the human cells. It would make him like me if I just injected him with my blood.” Saying that made me think, “But if I isolate my cells but keep the disease fighting strand… maybe that would work.”

I was too distracted, by the work and my new found thought, to see Gavin eyeing the syringe I’d used to extract my blood. His eyes were switching between us as he slowly made his way to the full syringe. Gavin didn’t hesitate when he had it and quickly injected himself with my blood before silently throwing away the syringe. He sat back down, and right then I turned around and squealed happily, the isolated strand worked. He smiled with me and jumped into his arms with a happy laugh. Then he shuddered and I pulled back. His eyes looked different, they looked like… mine.

My head whipped around to where id set the full syringe, it was gone, “OH god, what’d you do!” I gasped at him and punched his chest.

He jerked his head up a little, I could tell something was hurting. “Well, I- I wanted to be like you, so you weren’t alone…” his eyes looked at me trying to get me to understand. I winced at the intensity of my feelings for him and tried to stay angry. It didn’t work very well.

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