The beginning

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The story is for my best friend Alexa, she wanted me to write it online since its been a few years since i wrote it. this was the first story i've ever wrote. i wrote it all summer long when i was going into the eighth grade. i had been obsessed with maximum ride and its kind of based similarly to it. but it is my own story.

hope you enjoy alexa :P


Chapter one:

You could say that I'm not like everybody else, I know I'm not human. In fact I don't even know WHAT I am.

All I can say is that I'm a hybrid that my 'parents' thought would be a good experiment. They were freaks who wanted to create a new human species that could morph themselves at will and mutate. The key to all of this being able to happen and not having some deformed thing was bat DNA being a key bonding agent. Ever since I was born, I can remember everything that has happened to me. They have done extra experiments to alter me further and now, after successfully altering me again, they were doing a blood analysis on the results.

My name is Shane Louis and I am 17. Today was supposed to be my first day as a junior in high school. I wanted to have my own life, they let me out of the house so going to school sounded perfect. But my 'mother' had other plans.

"Shane! Get down here, it's time for that test." She called from the basement, knowing quite well that I could hear her.

I sighed and tried to stop the levitating I had been practicing. My brow furrowed in concentration, my 'abilities' had been advancing quickly and this was a new one I had gotten over the summer. I've been keeping all my new abilities from them, some would scare them and I knew if they knew anything that I'd be locked away forever.

And I'd just mastered one that would come in very handy. Mind control.

Skipping down the stairs and to the basement I saw a big needle. There was probably another strain of DNA she wanted to add into me along with seeing the results of everything else.

"So, tell me everything you've been feeling lately." she brought out her pen from the coat she wore and watched as I sat on the table.

"I feel fine, like always." I looked down at my feet which dangled, nowhere near the ground. You could say I was short for my age but who knew maybe 5'3 was a normal height for something like me. "Obviously the only thing was the moment you injected me and then nothing. I haven't had any symptoms." okay, that was a total lie but I'd never tell her or anybody else about my new abilities. My hope was that if it looked like she was failing, that she would just give up. I don't think my plan was working because every time I said nothing she would find another strain of DNA to add to my cocktail.

The reason why I never inculde anything with my father was because my mom did most of the experiments while my father did the observing. Today's addition, I already knew was going to be painful so while my mother was busy writing everything as detailed as possible, I slipped into the shadows before they noticed me and shot myself with liquid painkillers. It had become a pattern, I needed to keep the pain at bay and keep any reactions secret from them. They couldn't know how well their experiments were working.

What I hadn't realize, was that it had been adrenaline. My heart started beating like crazy and my vision sharpened into focusing on everything and I mean everything. I staggered into the chair and stayed as calm as possible.

She stuck the needle into me immediately and turned away. My back began to ache like someone had just set my back on fire and I had to struggle to stay conscious. My father eyed me cautiously like always and I glared at the floor. Something was really off.

Shane (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now