// twelve //

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jamie's back slammed against the door and lips were on his as soon as him and teddy got home from having dinner out. not a date, just dinner out as friends, maybe with benefits (but just between you and me, friends with benefits doesn't even cover what teddy and jamie had, let's just have them in denial for a little longer though). who cares if he'd put in more effort into how he dressed than usual. he was feeling better than he had been recently; overcoming his addiction was still a gradual process, but teddy helped. he really really helped.

the sudden kissing when they got home, he probably should've been surprised by this. but by now it's almost become the norm, especially with the way teddy was looking at him the whole meal. sneaking glances under the candle light at the slither of skin shown by jamie's (much too) unbuttoned shirt, he wasn't the subtlest. teddy pushed him further back, the handle digging into his back but he really couldn't care less.

teddy's hands were all over him. in his hair, twirling around the strands. wrapped around his neck, pulling him up as close as possible (and then more). on his chest, sliding across his abdomen and feeling every muscle, almost begging for jamie's shirt to be ripped off - what else could jamie do except shed the layer of clothing as if it were on fire.

though, the only thing that was aflame was jamie's skin. every time teddy's fingers traced patterns on even the smallest parts of his body, it was enough to send jamie haywire. 

teddy pulled back and began placing delicate kisses along jamie's jawline. he gradually made his way down to jamie's neck, each kiss before firmer and much, much hotter.

"why did we never do this before?" jamie panted, pulling teddy up, their lips connected once again, making jamie feel dizzy and his only thought becoming teddy.

teddy mumbled against jamie's lips. "i have no fucking clue."

as teddy's hands moved lower, jamie's slid up higher. he started to unbutton teddy's shirt, slowly and agonisingly because he couldn't function when teddy's hands were holding his arse so firmly and very very nicely bringing their bodies that little bit closer.

time went on, more clothes got lost around the flat (who even knows where they went). desperation overtook any thought of 'what if.' it was just those two, trapped in each other's lust. 

"do you want..."



teddythelupin and 683 likes

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teddythelupin and 683 likes

jamiesiriusp a rare pic of me without glasses on

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louisweasley @frednumbertwo i bet you £20 it took him ages to take a good one without his glasses on because he's fucking blind without them 

frednumbertwo @louisweasley no because i don't want to lose £20

lilpotter how do you even look good winking

teddythelupin the morning after and you're still so fucking perfect {unsent}


a bit short ?? idk i've done chapters that have been thousands of words and this is like 400

i'm just happy i finally wrote some teddy and jamie actually interacting
i hope you're happy with it too

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