// fourty six //

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hugomongous and 789 likes

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hugomongous and 789 likes

jamiesiriusp we snuck off to the pier while they were crying over bird shit

{tagged: teddythelupin}

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lysalty and i thought scorpius was the only snake

louisweasley @lysalty HOEE MY GOD


roxxx and 791 likes

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roxxx and 791 likes

teddythelupin 🐍

{tagged: jamiesiriusp}

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jamiesiriusp rude


i'm going to uni next week
literally murder me

also i'm ending this book at like 50 chapters and i don't remember saying anything about it before now so litty titty yeah we got like 4 chapters left

i would love to write a third book but it would take a lot of planning bc at the moment i have no plot and would also have to follow the haywire plot line as well but in haywire after brighton it strayed away from jamie and teddy but the third book would also have the subplots which were main plots in haywire like the whole albus and scorpius stuff

so that's made no sense and it's very complicated but if i figure it out then i will post it on here!!!!

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