// twenty four //

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louisweasley and 619 likes

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louisweasley and 619 likes

jamiesiriusp gryffindor red 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

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teddythelupin oh my god you actual shitbag

teddythelupin why am i your best friend

jamiesiriusp @teddythelupin because you love me ???

frednumbertwo gry 🚫⭕️🌶 ffin ❤️🔴🚨 dor 🍎🎒⛑ red ❌💯⛔️



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al.sev and 723 likes

teddythelupin fucking dick

{tagged: jamiesiriusp}

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jamiesiriusp excuse me you love my dick {not sent}

jamiesiriusp idk my ass is better ://///

teddythelupin @jamiesiriusp jesus christ

jamiesiriusp not denying it though ://////////

lorcanamatchbox is jamie flirting with teddy or are they just 'really good friends?' tune in next week of "i have no fucking idea what's going on anymore!"

teddythelupin @lorcanamatchbox i would be anger but i'm actually quite impressed

lorcanamatchbox now i have your attention come back to no hetero for teddy and vic pls we miss you

louisweasley @lorcanamatchbox we really do

victorieismine @lorcanmatchbox there is a hole in my heart (and the gc)

smalfoy @lorcanamatchbox it's v sad

lorcanamatchbox @smalfoy you're being a snake don't reply to my comment

dimdamdom @lorcanamatchbox rt

teddythelupin i guess i come back to you sluts @dimdamdom @louisweasley @lorcanamatchbox @victorieismine not u @smalfoy ur being a shit 


took me ages to figure out what to add on to this chapter because i didn't want it to be just a boring filler
i hope it's nice!
a levels suck ass lol

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