// thirty six //

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so this is the car journey to starbucks! i wanted to write it to see more of the dynamic between teddy and jamie and how this whole confession of jamie's feelings has affected their relationship and i thought it would be cool to kind of see this from an outsider's perspective so it's written in lorcan's pov!


the silence that filled the air between teddy and jamie couldn't have been more awkward, lorcan knew that. as soon as he and hugo got into the car once jamie pulled up, it was evident that this was going to be a long car journey. almost two hours were surely bound to feel like more with each second already dragging until the next cough or sniff would break the silence in the front - thank god he had hugo with him to make things easier.

well, potentially not really. hugo didn't know much about what was going on. believe him, lorcan wanted to tell hugo more than anything, but he respected teddy's privacy. the guy trusted lorcan (amongst others) of all the people to tell, as well as ask if he could come with them on the journey. that meant something, and lorcan couldn't just betray teddy's trust like that.

however, hugo was more of a friend of jamie's than teddy's, kind of treating the older as jamie's and lorcan's friend rather than his own - perhaps this trip would change that. but by the direction things were heading in now, it didn't look like that. this weekend was going to be more stressful than the laidback getaway they'd planned for it to be.

around twenty minutes after they'd set off, lorcan nudged hugo to gain his attention - he was preoccupied with staring out the window at the world going by. "can we watch more of the good place? i know you downloaded the next couple of episodes and i really want to know what happens."

"sure thing, baby."

lorcan smiled, "thank you. i love you." he didn't even register the weight his words carried before he said them. jamie sucked in a sharp breath and teddy tried to look anywhere that wasn't the three in this car other than him.

"i love you too."

lorcan gave teddy a pointed look through the mirror of the car, knowing that teddy could clearly see him. he wanted his face to convey the message that it was that easy and simple to tell someone how you felt. hopefully, the expression he was pulling was somewhat showing that. 

hugo took his phone out and propped it up between them both, earphones split so they had one each. "don't worry, we're not gonna let the good place disrupt you guys talking." lorcan said, a sarcastic undertone in his voice. maybe they just needed that push of knowing they're not just disrupting their own lives, but affecting everyone around them to finally start talking again. from teddy's messages, lorcan knew jamie was ignoring him, and he felt guilty for almost abandoning teddy to jamie's hostile silence, but he wasn't sure what else to do. they needed to work this out between them, lorcan didn't need to be in the middle of it all.

"you cheeky shit, lorcan." hugo whispered to him before he pressed play. they probably heard hugo in the front, because any noise would travel far in a car that was otherwise dead silent.

during their second episode, lorcan noticed some commotion in the front, so tapped hugo, telling him to pause the episode in case lorcan needed to defuse any tension. from looking briefly, but trying really hard to make it look like he wasn't, lorcan saw that teddy was pressing the on button for the radio. that wouldn't be a problem if jamie wasn't turning it back off every single time teddy turned it on.

this happened a couple more times (and by a couple, lorcan meant much too many), before jamie finally said, "i don't want music on," interrupting the constant press of the on/off button up and down.

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