// twenty six //

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jamie sat across from teddy, his back against the armrest of the sofa, teddy mirroring him, their legs tangled together. jamie didn't really know how he felt about this, all of this (whatever it was) but he did know he was enjoying the view.

that being the view of teddy; his morning cup of tea carefully balanced in one hand, while the other held one of the pages of a book teddy had read too many times than jamie could count (he thinks it belonged to teddy's dad). teddy was dressed in his pyjamas, and by pyjamas jamie meant an old jumper and some boxers. it was hard not to be in awe of teddy, his almost carelessness with his appearance, but he always looked so good.

"teddy," jamie began, the man opposite him perking up at the sound of his voice. "i've been thinking-"

jamie immediately knew he shouldn't have started with that. he knew exactly what teddy's next comment would be as soon as he interrupted him. "shit, are you feeling okay, jamie?"

jamie rolled his eyes, "ha ha, very funny." and he kicked teddy in the hip, making the tea slosh around in his cup, almost spilling over the edge and onto his boxers. what a shame it would've been if the tea actually did spill out, making teddy take off his boxers. maybe jamie should've kicked him harder.

"jamie!" teddy shouted, placing his tea down carefully on the table next to him as to not spill it again. he placed the bookmark on his page and the book joined the cup of tea on the table. "your feet are fucking freezing. please put some socks on."

teddy began poking at his toes, which were gradually beginning to feel numb from the repeated flicking. in retaliation, jamie shoved his feet up underneath teddy's old jumper, the almost-icy coldness of them shocking teddy into slapping jamie's feet away.

"fuck! stop it!" jamie screamed and slid down the sofa, banging his head on the armrest. he closed his eyes in pain, bringing his hand up to rub at the spot. his legs kicked out into teddy's stomach to make sure to piss him off.

in jamie's haze and shock of pain, he heard teddy groan and move away from him. wondering where he was off to, jamie opened his eyes again to see teddy was now looming over him. somehow in his whines of pain, teddy had escaped the tyranny of jamie's cold feet and had jamie effectively pinned down on the sofa. one hand was placed down next to his head, the other to the side of jamie's waist. their eyes connected, there was no point in looking elsewhere - jamie could just stare at the beauty of teddy all day, especially his eyes.

they stayed in silence for a couple of moment before jamie spoke up. "prick." he said, causing teddy to chuckle. jamie could feel the warmth of teddy's breath against his lips and he realised how teddy's head was so close that jamie could just lean up and kiss him. the temptation didn't pass jamie as he tilted his head up, as teddy leant his down, and their lips connected.

jamie instinctively brought his hands up to cup teddy's face, the sharp jawline almost digging into his palm, his fingers curling into the hair just behind teddy's ear. this would never get old; the softness of teddy's lips against his own partially chapped ones, the quick slide of a tongue, playing coy but really wanting nothing more than to indulge in each other.

teddy brought his other hand from the side of jamie's waist to the other side of his head, the angle of their kiss changing, allowing for it to deepen. wanting even more, jamie moved his hands round to the back of teddy's neck, pulling him closer. the force from the pull meant teddy fell down onto his forearms, moving his body just that bit closer, enough to drive jamie mad.

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