// thirteen //

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victorieismine and 720 likes

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victorieismine and 720 likes

teddythelupin a colour change

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jamiesiriusp dyed it red for gryffindor 😩❤️

teddythelupin @jamiesiriusp why do you do these things

jamiesiriup you know you love it

teddythelupin @jamiesiriusp more than you could ever know {unsent}


"listen teds, if you dye your hair again you're going to seriously damage it." jamie reasoned, his hand playing with teddy's nearing-thinning hair.

this wasn't a thing best friends did, or friends with benefits. both of them ignored it. but the frequency of staying in each other's beds had increased, cuddling and sweet kisses were now something considered common. yet, how ever could they believe that the possibility of love was available for both of them to take? after everything they'd been through, why would the universe suddenly decide to be kind and let them hold onto one thing?

"yeah but i'm sick of blue, you know? i just want a change." teddy turned his body in the bed so that he was laying on his side, facing jamie. he didn't want to tell jamie it was because he needed the change in his life. everything had been blue; his mood, his mind, the one shirt of jamie's that drove him crazy whenever jamie wore it, and his goddamn hair.

jamie sighed, and that's when teddy realised he'd given in. it was one of the most beautiful sounds teddy had ever heard, a simple sigh falling from jamie's lips. "i'll only let you do it if you dye it red."

"why red?"

"why not?"


oooooo oooooo oooooo
i really want to start doing more of the brighton stuff because jeddy stayed for longer but i forgot how much i actually wrote

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