// sixteen //

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teddythelupin and 752 likes

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teddythelupin and 752 likes

jamiesiriusp i'm sorry

{tagged: al.sev}

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lilpotter what the fuck did you do jamie

al.sev @lilpotter it's all okay now dw, he helped me

al.sev @lilpotter i still love jamie


private messages

> AL


before you have a go at me let me explain


i'm waiting


al didn't post that photo of scorp

i did

but al deleted it


james sirius potter you better have a good explanation for this or i will rip your head off


he's stuck pining after scorpius

he's in love with him, lily, and i couldn't stand to see him suffer anymore

i though it would help

but it didn't

and i went about it the complete and utter wrong way and i've explained this to al


you're an arsehole jamie


don't you think i know this

i went to his flat to see him

lil, i found him laid on the pavement outside his flat building because he couldn't stand to go inside and face scorpius

he stayed at mine and ted's

i've fucked things up for him

but i'm gonna make it better


you have to


i don't know what i'm doing next chapter
i have no idea what i'm doing with this book either to be honest

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