// twenty one //

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teddythelupin and 728 likes

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teddythelupin and 728 likes

al.sev fucking drunk arses

{tagged: smalfoy, rosieposie}

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hugomongous dm me al


incoming call from jamie twatius potter

> al <
> jamie <


"jamie for fucks sake i'm driving this better be fucking quick."

"oh? you're having a go at me? that's fucking great."

"piss off, i'm driving!"

"al you should get off the fucking phone if you're driving, at least pull over. and keep your lights on you don't want people not knowing there's a car there with you in it."

"fine, i'll pull over."

"fucking good."

"what's up then?"

"what's up? you're gone. i woke up and you just weren't there? you didn't even leave a note or anything or even quickly came into our room to say you're just nipping out. oh yeah, teddy's fucking worried as well! anything could have happened al, and you didn't even think to just let us know-"

"jamie, calm down. please. i just- i didn't think. i got a message from scorp."

"you... what?"

"he messaged me, i think he's drunk. he needs me to pick him and rosie up."

"oh, al. i thought he didn't drink?"

"me too. but i guess he's not happy about this whole situation with the post and everything. he's obviously seen it. i just, i've messed up with him. he hates me enough to start drinking again."

"albus, listen. he doesn't hate you. trust me on this. i can get teddy to talk to him?"

"no no. i just want to not see him. but he's drunk and he needs me."

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