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Mrs Thomas had been gone for a couple of minutes now, and Katelyn was still on my mind. She was exactly the type of person we wanted to adopt.

The door creaked open. In came Eva, her hair was dark brown and her eyes were bright green. She strutted in, like she was so confident in herself.

"Hello," I greeted her.

"Hi. I'm Eva by the way, just incase you didn't know."

"We read the information, but thank you for telling us anyway. Well, I'm Lizzie, and this is my fiancé Joel," Lizzie said. I could sense the reluctance in her voice.

"Oh wait. Are you those two YouTube people? I've heard of you. I really like YouTube and stuff." Eva smiled.

"Oh and I really like that Minecraft game too. I like to build stuff on it when I get ideas." She continued.

Maybe I was wrong, but it felt like she was faking it to impress us. But I couldn't do much about that. I would just have to roll with it.

"Oh, really? What kind of things do you build?" Lizzie asked.

"Well, um, just anything I get inspiration for. Like, houses and stuff,"

"Oh, right. Well, what do you do with your friends?" I asked.

"Well, my best friend Lauren and I always hang out together. We go shopping and stuff. We like to talk to everyone really, like Katelyn." She bit her lip on the part about Katelyn. She knew we'd already talked to her.

We kept talking about hobbies and things, and everything seemed to be very similar to mine and Lizzie's. Maybe they really were, but something about her tone seemed off.


Once Eva left, I let out a huge sigh of relief.

"That was so awkward. I feel like she was faking it. Everything seemed so similar to your interests. Maybe they are, but it just seemed dodgy." I explained.

"Yeah, I agree. And that part about Katelyn, you could tell it was all a fake by the way she acted after she said it." Lizzie agreed.

"There's only Lauren left," I smiled and sighed. Smiled because it meant that we could talk to Katelyn sooner, but sighed because Lauren was bound to be a little like Eva, and I didn't want that. I prayed that this would go quickly.

Just as I finished, in strutted Lauren. She had a large grin on her face and walked exactly the same as Eva.

"Hi, I'm Lauren. It's Lizzie and Joel, right?"

"Hi Lauren. Yeah, that's us. How did you know?" I asked.

"Oh, Eva told me. But I've heard of you from YouTube. I like to watch your vlogs."

"Oh, we don't vlog much though. We're gamers." Lizzie mentioned.

"Oh, well I was close, right? It's easy to get mixed up these days anyway isn't it!" Lauren laughed, sort of sarcastically.

Again, it seemed so fake. Like she was putting it on to make us think that she knew who we were. It just wasn't right.

"So, what are your hobbies? What do you like to do with your friends?" Lizzie asked.

"Well, me and Eva go shopping a lot, talk others our age and game too, obviously."

"So who else your age do you like talking to?" I asked.


She bit her lip, just like Eva had when she mentioned Katelyn. Clearly Eva had mentioned this to her. When she mentioned gaming, she didn't say it like she meant it. I could be prejudiced - maybe she really did like gaming - but after the shaky start I wasn't sure.

Fortunately, a few minutes later the time was up and Lauren left feeling confident. I was looking forward to seeing Katelyn again.

"Should we talk to Mrs Thomas then?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Lizzie smiled. I knew she was looking forward to this.

We both wished that we could just get Katelyn and go though.

Why couldn't we?

And Then There Were Three - Adopted by JizzieWhere stories live. Discover now