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I was back upstairs in my room now, since there was no point waiting downstairs. I had really enjoyed talking to Lizzie and Joel. It was such a surprise to see them, I never thought I'd ever meet them considering I live here. It looked like they enjoyed talking to me too but I'm not sure if that means anything. Of course, I would love to be adopted but there were lots of other people who deserved it too. I was shy and nervous when I went in. But I wouldn't be surprised if they liked Lauren or Eva, they were confident and had a good social life. I suppose it wouldn't be too bad if one of them got adopted, it would mean I would get bullied less. Anyway, I'm not getting adopted anytime soon.

I was half way through a Shadowcraft video when I heard a knock at my door. I stood up to go and answer it. I smiled when I saw Lizzie and Joel there.

"Hi!" I smiled. "Come on in,"

Lizzie and Joel both came in and I motioned for them to sit down. Lizzie opened her mouth to speak.

"Katelyn, we both really enjoyed talking to you today." She said.

"It just seemed to click, I feel like you would fit in perfectly with our lives," Joel continued.

"So, we were wondering if maybe we could adopt you. What do you say?" Lizzie asked.

"Wow. I'd love to. Are you sure you want me?"

"Of course, you're exactly the right person for us."

"I'd love that!" I exclaimed.

Lizzie and Joel smiled at each other then engulfed me in a huge hug. This was insane, I thought I'd be here until I was 18 and was legally allowed to leave. But no, at twelve years old I was being adopted by Lizzie and Joel.

"Get packing, were going to go and fill out the paperwork with Mrs Thomas," Joel explained.

"Ok, thank you!" I smiled. I couldn't believe it.

Lizzie and Joel left my room and I sat there in some sort of daze. I picked up an old suitcase from under my bed and started packing. I pulled my clothes out of the wardrobe alongside my shoes and put them in. I threw in my books and sketch pad and put my phone and headphones in last. I decided to wait a little while so that Lizzie and Joel had enough time to fill out the paperwork.

Could this be the start of a great life for me?

And Then There Were Three - Adopted by JizzieWhere stories live. Discover now