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As we pulled in to Lizzie and Joel's driveway, I started to panic. I was worried that things were going to go wrong since it was just Lizzie, Joel and I in the house. I must have been in some sort of daze because I was brought back to reality by Joel.

"Katelyn? Katelyn..." He mumbled.

"Huh? Oh sorry."

"Are you okay?" Lizzie asked.

"Yeah, I'm good," I semi-lied. I couldn't tell them the whole truth when so much could go wrong. I smiled instead.

Joel walked up to the front door, unlocking the house. Instantly, I heard a high-pitched 'yap' come from the back of the house. I grinned at the thought of fluffy Meri.

"It's so nice in here" I smiled, my eyes darting around at each doorway.

Lizzie smiled and told me to make myself at home on the sofa. I sat down, daydreaming. I must have been really dazed, as I fell to the side after something hit me. I stared around before I finally realised I'd been hit with a cushion. Someone laughed from the doorway, and I looked up to see Joel stood there, Lizzie behind him.

"I see how it is!" I laughed, picking up the cushion and aiming it at Joel.

"Well, two can play at this game!" Joel rushed, picking up a cushion as a defence.

I threw the cushion at Joel, the cushion hitting him right in the stomach. Joel grunted as if to commit defeat as I ran to collect the cushion to put back on the sofa. As I leaned down to pick it up, I was hit over the back with a cushion. I fell back slightly, but quickly got back up and found Lizzie and Joel both stood there with cushions in their hands. I let out a giggle.

"Battle commencing!" Lizzie commentated as we all began started pillow fighting.

I fell back on the sofa and committed defeat to Lizzie and Joel.

"Man down," I breathed.

Joel smiled, before shouting "Victory!"

Lizzie began tickling him, resulting in him falling back on the sofa too.

"Now who's the victor?" Lizzie smirked.

Lizzie left the room. I was resting my head back on the sofa when I heard loud panting noises getting closer and closer. I shot up.

"Hey Meri!"

I stroked Meri behind the ears and she licked my face. She ran a couple laps of the living room, before finally settling by my feet. I smiled down at her.

"Where's Buddy?" I asked.

"Oh, he's just outside. Buddy does what Buddy wants to do, so we just leave him to it."

I smiled and lay back.

"Hey Katelyn, why don't you go with Lizzie to unpack and sort out your room, and I'll order a Chinese takeaway?" Joel suggested.

"Sounds good to me," I said, looking up at Lizzie.

I got to my feet, picked up the suitcase and followed Lizzie up the stairs. When we got to the top of the stairs, Lizzie hugged me and said "I'm so happy we adopted you Katelyn,".

"I'm happy you adopted me."

And Then There Were Three - Adopted by JizzieWhere stories live. Discover now