Chapter 12

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Percy's POV, the next day.

The hunt arrived at half-blood hill, me in front, showing I was lutenitant. I wore my hunters circlet, hunting jacket (it's December in this), and blue jeans, same as everyone else.

Thalia stood behind me on the right, Phoebe on the left. Opal, the third in command, stood next to me. We walked in, my face stone cold.

When we walked in people gasped. We ignored them or sent them glares and walked to the big house. Chiron sat on the porch with Grover.

they both gasped, I ignored it, "Percy why-"

I put my hand up, "As lutenitant of the hunt I am obliged to inform you that we will be staying in Miladys cabin until she returns from her solo hunt." I said, que more gasp.

"Today is capture the flag, I shall inform the camp. Diner is in 30 minutes." Chiron said, "may I speak with you Perseus?" He asked.

"No." I stated and turned, "let's go sisters." I said warmly to them, leaving a shellshocked Chiron.

We arrived in the Artemis cabin after multiple looks and I sat on the first bottom bunk. I slid my bag under the bunk and put my head in my hands. Why am I back in this dreaded place. My old life ended here, and now my old and new life meet at a crossroad...curse you Hecate.

A hand touched my shoulder and I saw Opal, "Hey, it's ok. You don't have to think about what this place did, you have us ok?" She said. I smiled, "thanks Opal. Wanna meet your half-brother? He helped me through the accident here." She smiled and nodded. We walked out of the cabin with Thalia, who wanted to see Neeks again, And headed to the hades cabin. We knocked on the door and it opened to see Hazel, "Percy?" She asked in shock. I smiled, "hello Hazel. Is Nico here?" I asked. She nodded still gapping in shock. We walked in to find Nico laying on his bed, he perked up when he saw us.

"PERCY!" He jumped up, "THALIA!" We walked over, I pulled him in a bro hug. "Nico, I want you meet Opal...your half-sister." I said. He looked in shock at Opal and hugged her. "Your Awesome." Opal said. Thalia and Me started laughing. "Just wanted to say hi Neeks. We gotta head to dinner." He nodded and headed out with us.

He went to meet up with Carly from the Demeter cabin and we walked to dinner and sat at the Artemis table, I ignored the stares and burned a portion of my meal for Artemis. I sat with Lillian and Opal at the end of the table and we talked and laughed, then she came to the pavilion. She gasped, "it's true." She said. I noticed her holding hands with the son of the sea. I looked at the Poseidon table and saw Tierra and Summer wave at us. I smiled. She smiled at me and I put my hand on my dagger, Lillian glared at her "that's her isn't it." She asked, I nodded. Opal moved my hand from my dagger.

Chiron stood and banged his hoof on the floor. "Campers may you please stop staring at the hunters? Tonight is capture the flag, Campers Vs Hunters, and as you see a former camper as returned." I lost it, "I am not a camper of yours, I am the lutenitant of Artemis, Loyal to my sisters and Milady." I said standing up. I sat down and Chiron continued a bit shaken, "Anyway, Prepare for capture the flag" everyone groaned on about always losing to us. I smiled st my sisters. "I have a plan." I said.


So, how was it?

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- Love from Kallie Love 💖 

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