Chapter 19

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Diana's POV

I screamed for hours, "MY BROTHER IS GONE! STUIPD SEA GOD!" i cried.

"Screaming wont help." Opal said...she dressed in full battle gear with her black helemet, a mini version of the helm of darkness.

"She's right" Annabeth said.


"He's in atlantis of course." Tierra said, "i can find it."

I nodded, "Try please." i pleaded.

She nodded and touched the river near us, we were at the bottom of the grand caynon. "This way." she said pointing east. we headed over and walked for about 20 minutes.

"I'm tired!" Piper complained.

"Shh. did you here that." Opal asked.

"Yes." i said refering to the strange noise i heard earlier.

We all snuck over to the cliff wall and hid in the shadows, and we saw three cyclopes walk past us holding a...well a box, it kinda looked like a casket though.

we followed them in secret, ending up at a cave. We were going to follow when Annabeth freaked, "Stop!" she whisper-yelled. "what?" Tierra asked, "Listen..i'd recognize that voice anywhere." she said.

We listened in on the conversation,

"Ah, my prizzzzed pieccce of my collection." a female voice hissed.

Piper gasped, "M-M-" Annabeth glared, "Medusa. who did she freeze this time?"

everyone looked inside, careful of not looking at the fuigure in a black dress, she had a veil on but we knew not to risk it.

we looked at the stone figure she put her hand on a chisled face, sliding her arm down his chest. "My dear loversss ssson, my favorite toy, My Persssseusss."

we gasped, "Percy!" i cried looking at the frozen figure of my brother, Perseus Jackson.

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