Chapter 22

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Long Story short, Annabeth had a drama fit that ended badly...Artemis took us back to camp and we put Opal their as a reminder...Never Forgotten.

it was night and we sat at the fire in the snow telling our tell. Afterwards morale was low, everyone was sad. Most were looking at Opal's statue. I had a idea...I balled the snow and through it at Thalia and it hit her in the face. she fell backwards and laughed, "YOUR GONNA GET IT PERCY!"

"Two teams, Thalia and Mine." I decided

"I pick Hadley." Thalia said

"I choose Lillian."

"Samantha." Thalia picked again


"Phoebe" Thals went


"Atlanta." She said.

ANd So on,

The Teams were Silver and white, mine white, Thalia's silver.

Silver- Thalia, Hadley, Samantha, Phoebe, and Atlanta.

White-Me, Lillian, Kaylee, Diana, Zara, and Rachel.

"Hey everyone!" I called to the teams. "ITS THALIA'S BIRTHDAY!"

Everyone ran over to her smiling. Then they all pelted her with a snowball.

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