This is my first story so there will be spelling mistakes and things that auto correct changes but enjoy !!
Avianna is a the average werewolf hates vampires trust issues with witches and fey and no pack.A lone wolf.
But is...
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I cannot make you understand.I cannot make anyone understand what is going on inside me.I can't even explain it to myself,But I can try.I worry all the time they said and it feels like I'm trapped in its claws pulling me in.A constant barrier stopping me in its traps and then the panic sets in cold chills, beginning to sweat profusely,My feet and and hands go numb like my heart,the copper taste gushing out of my mouth.The bells are ringing.
EVERYTHING IS TO LOUD !!! I feel like everyone is around me and I'm in a dome,everyone laughing and witnessing my weakness.Every day is the same and I wish I didn't care,that it didn't feel like this but it does and will for a long time.I try to reach out scrambling for air but I start sinking in a pit of darkness. Blindly,awaiting for a hand to pull me out from its depths.But no one does. No one ever does
Then I wake up
I gasp and jerk upwards,scrambling on the bed.I looked around staring at the patronising white walls glaring back at me. BEEP BEEEEEEEEP I whip my head to the side staring at the monitor and it's wires connecting to me.I yank them of and crawl of the bed. I remembered Kai,the blood and Noah. The door opened and a young woman in a nurses outfit walked in and gasped"your awake!"she starred at me stunned as if she had expected me to never wake up.I charge at her wrapping my hand around her throat and slamming her head against the wall. "Where the fuck am I?"I hiss at the woman.She splutters and finally answers once I ease my hand slightly.
"You've been in a traumatic accident you must sit!!"I squeezed her throat harder and she chocked "You've been in a coma for 24 hours !"I blink slowly Had I really been asleep for a day? "I must call Mr and mrs devero at once"she shrieks.I step closer cornering her"I'm sorry but I can't allow that I grab her roughly by the shoulder and smile as she struggles in my grip. Taking my right arm, I wrap it methodically around her throat and began to count. "One, Two"Her heart skipped a beat "ten!" I shouted as I jerk her neck upward. With a sickening crack I knew i had killed her; The woman was dead.
I wasted no time grabbing my clean clothes that had been discarded on the counter.I slipped them on .I could hear footsteps pounding Down the hall.I had to think fast.
I slammed the door shut and twisted the lock. The curtains waved in the air as the wind blew in. A deck lay below the window. If I were lucky, I'd hit that instead of the concrete beside it. I pushed one leg over the ledge of the window, my leg muscles strained as I stretched my leg straight and then curved it over the window sill. I held both hands against either side of the wall and said a prayer. Dear God, please don't let me die.
Bangs pounded on the door, followed by quick kicks. Sooner or later the lock would give. I held my breath and turned to my side and bent my back to fit under the window. If I could angle my body over the deck, I wouldn't end up with a cracked head after I hit. I raised my knees and brought my other leg over the window sill until they both dangled over the edge. And, I pushed off.
I landed on the deck below me crouched in a ball. Shit!! my feet hurt like hell.I looked up to see Noah and Kai looking out the window down at me.I bolt towards a large gathering of trees. The woods Great! I stumbled around the woods for hours.I was honestly surprised the Vampires hadn't found me.
It was dark and cold. I could see my breath suspended in the air in front of me. My face stung not only from the cold but because of the scratches I was sure were there from running through the woods while the branches felt like thousands of slaps in my face at random.
I tripped and fell on a log that had a branch still sticking out of it and It jabbed me in my thigh.
Now limping, my eyes started to lose focus. I was losing a lot of blood. I could feel the warmth of it running down my leg, only to stain the ground.
I was crying but the tears froze on my face;the saltiness stinging my open wounds.
I had to find someone and I had to find them fast. I was loosing too much blood and was becoming weaker by the minute.
I gave up. Thinking, "this is it. This is where I'm going to die. No one will even know."
Just as my legs were starting to give out, I heard it. Traffic. It was so close but I couldn't see anything but trees, dirt and my own breath.
I started moving forward but screamed and groaned in pain as my leg felt like someone had stabbed it repeatedly .
I slowly lifted my injured leg, pushing myself through the pain. I needed to get to the highway ,road or whatever it was just on the other side of those trees.
I was getting closer and closer every second. Every step. Every little hiccuped sob I took I was getting closer to the edge. I could see light through the trees finally and tried to move faster.
Now at the second row of trees before the road and I could smell it. I never thought in my entire life I would love the smell of exhaust and pollution.
I was at the edge of the forest and walked between the last two trees that stood in my way. I emerged from the forest and stumbled out into the road, trying to see if someone would stop to give me a lift but no one stopped.
I ran -more like stumbled- towards a group of people adrenaline pushing me forward with each step.
I was almost there. I was so close but just when I thought I could make it, I collapsed.
I woke up to voices yelling "Get her to the pack house" and I was moving.
I opened my eyes to see lights over head then a woman with a mask on saying, "She's awake!" then a bright light shining in my eyes.
"Wha--" I started to say but was cut off by one of the people that were standing around me, "Don't try to speak, we're going to make it all better, Kay?" I nodded once.
There was a mask looking thing going over my face and then everything went black.