This is my first story so there will be spelling mistakes and things that auto correct changes but enjoy !!
Avianna is a the average werewolf hates vampires trust issues with witches and fey and no pack.A lone wolf.
But is...
I opened my eyes staring up to the ceiling of a grey tent.I say up rubbing my head. "Hey!"A male voice echoes from the tent doors.I lift my head up to look at the person.
Upon his arrival, I felt my heart begin to race as if i had known him my whole life . My eyes traced his tall slender figure, from his messy brown hair down to his worn combat boots. The closer he came, the better I could view him. His eyes warm, a range of soft colours. Reminding me of sweet caramel. Lilac bags hung under them, ageing him quite a bit, but he couldn't be much older than me nonetheless. Seeing him stumble a bit, I relaxed. He was just as nervous as me. I took a deep breath, inhaling his overly strong cologne. Naturally, I found myself nearly gagging on the powerful scent. However, his broad smile prevented that.
"Hey I'm Avianna"I grinned at him,he held out his hand to mine and I took it while he pulled me up from the bed. "I'm jax"He let go of my hand and gestured for me to follow him outside"I imagine you have many questions?" I didn't really think about where I was to be honest.My eyes darted around outside. Men and woman were training,kids were running around playing and wolves were sparring. "werewolves"I breathed Jax looked at me"This is the silent strider pack-"I cut immediately cut him of .I sucked im my breath my eyes wide "but the silent strider pack died out years ago in the war!"
The silent strider pack was famous I remember the story's of them when I was younger.They were the only pack to stand against the vampires and other supernatural species.The Silent Striders are introspective, and highly spiritual, the Silent Striders have plumbed the depths of the Spirit world , perhaps more deeply than any other pack.
"Some of us survived we ran and built the pack up again"jax continued he tilted his head at me as if he was studying me "you have no pack?"
I frowned and starred ahead of me "uh no I haven't since I was young my pack died or left me in the war"I told him Why was I telling him this?? It was just all flowing out of me and he was simply pulling the lever!! "What was your packs name?"he asked I simply shook my head "I don't know I can't find anything on them all I have is this"I pulled my shirt down to show my shoulder blade were 2 marks of my pack are.
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Jax gasps when he see's my mark "wow"he breaths "What?"I ask He looks at me" I know who your pack are"
Tobecontinued... Jk... 20minslater
Me and jax walked around the camp while he showed me the ropes.I couldn't help wonder what he meant when he saw my mark.
We walked into a large tent full of wolves,as soon as we walked in the wolves head snapped towards us and left in a flick of jaxs hand. Only a woman remained
I looked her over ,she was much older than me and jax,her grey streaked hair tied back in a bun. "This is Luna of the pack,my mum"jax explained to me. He was future Alpha!!
"Hello dear,I'm Lana"she smiled at me.Then her face frowned and she tilted at me. Was it about my mark ? Why was wrong about it ? "You are the last remaing descendent of the black fangs pack"she offered me a seat to sit and I took it awaiting for the rest of her information. "The black fangs was a pact between the silver fangs and the black furies,2 of the most powerful packs in the history of werewolves(the warriors and the rulers), but they were all killed in the war or so we thought!!"she sighed"they were the last to fall but the attack was to much...there was a rumour that when the alpha was killed,Luna sent her only child away to protect her"Lana walked closer to me and touched my hair"Avianna you are the daughter,we have been waiting for" SMASH,CRACK I looked over to the other side and saw a huge black wolf fly into the tent . We all ran outside. When it saw me its head flew up and pointed to the clouds in the night sky. The large animal raised its thin lips and growled at a group of people approaching the camp. The loud, piercing sound came from its muzzle. The howl carried itself past my body to warn of the 'attackers' The unexpected noise still rang in my eardrums like water falling in a distance."
Vampires! I watched the group come forward,Kai Noah and.....Hunter. They were in front of me jax and Lana now.
"Vampires!! You are not welcome on wolf territory!"Lana shouted Kai looked towards me "were here for her!"he signalled at me."just let us take her back home and then we'll be on our way out"he grinned as if he had already one the argument.
Lana walked closer "you night crawler!! Do NOT give me commands on my territory!You will NOT be taking Avianna anywhere!"I starred blankly at Lana.she looked like an avenging goddess.
Noah smiled warmly at her as if she didn't faze him at all "may I speak with your privately about the reasons we need Avianna?"
Lana peered at him and nodded and they walked into the tent Kai following. Leaving Hunter...
I glared at him,if only looks could kill,last time I saw him he was ripping my throat open. I turned and started walking away leaving jax and Hunter behind me.
"Hey,Avi"Hunters voice shot into my ears"long time no see ain't you glad to see me??"
My fingernails were digging into my palms,I squeezed my hands into fists. I was grinding my teeth. I feel extremely hot all of a sudden. I felt my cheeks turn a shade of red and my mouth tasted coppery from bitting my lip so hard.
"Do Not call me Avi"I walked forward jabbing him in the stomach"and no I'm not glad to see you because if I recall correctly your bloodsucking fangs were in my neck last time!"and with that I can him one last shove and angrily stomped away leaving everyone else behind me.