This is my first story so there will be spelling mistakes and things that auto correct changes but enjoy !!
Avianna is a the average werewolf hates vampires trust issues with witches and fey and no pack.A lone wolf.
But is...
I sat up,grasping my neck. "Shit that hurt!"lifting my head up up and seeing Kai sitting in the chair opposite me.
I glared at him "was snapping my neck necessary?"I hissed at him.Jumping up and walking to the bathroom.
I could practically hear his eyes roll."I'm sorry love but In my defence you were out of control". I mumbled under my breath and got dressed,and did the basic things.
I walked out and felt a pair of hands cover my eyes."wanna see your present?"I grinned and nodded.I held my eye closed while hearing Kai move around the room opening the door and coming back in.
"Hold out your hands little wolf"I lifted my hands out feeling a weight sitting atop my hands.I pulled the object closer so I wouldn't drop it.
I opened my eyes to meet a pair of blue eyes marched to a small black nose and a pink tongue liking my face.
A gerberian shepsky (husky crossed German shepherd) was in my arms. "Is he mine?"I squealed Kai nodded"what you going to call him?"
I pondered that for what felt like an eternity."rian,it means little king" He chuckled and fell backwards onto my bed.
I layed down placing Rian on my stomach and stroking him slowly. "Thank you"I said to Kai.
He smirked obviously pleased with my appreciation."you know instead of thanking me you could try not to break windows"I laughed and mock punched his arm while he pretended it hurt and did a fake death scene.
He leaned closer to me,his eyes looking into my soul. He kissed me and the world fell away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below my ear, his thumb caressing my cheek as our breaths mingled. I ran my fingers down his cheek, pulling him closer until there was no space left between us and I could feel the beating of his heart against my chest.
Then Noah came running in. We jumped apart like kids who had been caught taking cookies from the cookie jar.
I slipped over picking rian up from the bed and to meet Noah halfway across the room."Rouges are here,they heard about you,they want you dead!"
Why did they want me dead? Oh of course I was this unnatural abomination thing.
"Kai go help sera and the others I'll watch Avianna!" Kai was beside me In a second "be safe little wolf"his lips brushed mine and he was gone .
I blinked and then snapped back into reality to find Noah pulling me through hallways with rian in my arms.
"Stay here" Noah rounded the corner leaving me alone with only the battle crys of others hinting at my ears.
The screams picked up, and grew to a nearly feral, high pitched, yet undeniably human howl, echoing around me and working their way into my head. All I could hear, think, or feel was that sound as it punctured me, working it's way past my sanity and into my very essence, my core, all that existed was the pain.
Rounding a corner, I saw him, and my body turned to ice. I though that the sound had come from him, but seeing it directly in front of myself was too much to handle. He had a knife deeply lodged in his chest, blood pouring through his lips, turning screams into muffled gurgles, eyes rolling backwards into his head. All I could do was stand there, frozen and entirely unable to think. He raised a hand, making a desperate yet weak attempt to reach for me, but slumped to the ground instead, heaving a cough that stained his tanned skin. I have to put a hand to my mouth in order to muffle the sobs that are threatening to escape. Crying would only kill his hope. My body felt as if it was filled with lead, or rather, was being held in mid air by invisible strings, a puppet. His flow of blood increased, shaking me out of my trance long enough for me to run to him, nothing escaping my own throat besides a few strangled sobs. "Noah!" My eyes widen as I fall to the ground next to him. I tear off one of the sleeves of my top, making a makeshift bandage.
" Don't-" He seems to be making an attempt at removing the knife, " Wait until Kai arrive-" but he pulls it out before I have the time to stop him.
I covered the wound with my makeshift bandage, but my hands were soon drenched in crimson. He places a slick hand on my shoulder. How could he even think of trying to comfort me now? The smell of blood fills my nose as I search for someone to help, but all they're doing is fighting around us. His throat looks like it is going to burst, and his tanned skin is now too pale, losing blood quickly. He coughs again "Someone help me!" I can't help it now, tears are steadily streaming down my face, clouding my vision. Noah's eyes begin to fill with blood from the inside, covering the whites, irises, and pupils in bright red but not spilling out all at once. No, it would've been prettier that way. Instead, it comes down like tears, as if He were crying blood, as more sounds try to escape his throat. The liquid bubbles from his mouth and he coughs, spewing it over my face, into my mouth which somehow remains dry. Now my cloudy vision is stained, and won't go back to normal no matter how hard I try.
" Help him!" No one is even approaching. " Why aren't you helping him?!" Nothing.He rests her head in my lap and I hold it there. Now his smile is a menace, and I wish it would go away. He shouldn't do these things for me. " Please." It's just a faint plea. " please Noah... Don't.." I give up and rest my head on the crook of his neck, not caring if I get covered in his blood.
" Come on!" The rouges have arrived, they pry me away from her. " Let me Help him!" he has begun convulsing on the ground, twitching in a pool of his own ceasing life. But they keep dragging me away. "Let me Help him! You jackass! Why didn't you help him?!" Somehow I know that I won't ever leave his side, no matter where they take me. I will always see him.In the corner of my eye,in my mind.
They gag me and tears are spilling down my checks mixed with Noah's blood.I scream when I see Kai being dragged by men with sera laying crumpled on the floor. Sera's hair is matted in blood but I can hear her breathing.
Kai's staring at me helplessly trying to break free of the men holding him.He roars and his eyes widen when a wooden stake slices through his back into his stomach.
I scream and the men are thrown back I scramble over to Kai lifting his head into my arms,shaking slowly.
I hear rians whimpers from beside sera"stay there rian please" rian sat tilting his head at me.Hands grasped me and a hard boot kicked Me in the back of my head.
I slipped on my knees falling between Kai and Noah.
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