This is my first story so there will be spelling mistakes and things that auto correct changes but enjoy !!
Avianna is a the average werewolf hates vampires trust issues with witches and fey and no pack.A lone wolf.
But is...
I awoke to sera inches from my face "time to wake up!!!! birthday girl!"she giggles and jumped of the bed.
I grumbled and sat up yawning "why does it seem you are more excited than me?" "Trust me you will be excited as soon as you open your presents!"
My eyes widened in surprise "Presents?" She must have seen my shock at getting presents .She slowly nodded. "haven't you ever got presents before?" I shook my head "nope I never really celebrated my birthday..."I yawned again and sera pulled me out of bed.She pointed over to a pile of clothes layed out on my desk and to the bathroom.
I grabbed them and turned on my heel,pulling on the shorts and top. I tied my hair into a tight ponytail unlocked the door and followed sera to the living room.
As I walked in,A group of familiar faces regarded me. "Happy birthday!"they all shouted and enveloped me in a hug.
I laughed and looked around at each of them . I had only known them for a week and already I was close to them.
They were like a family to me! I couldn't stop myself from grinning I know I must look like Cheshire Cat by now.
I caught Kai's eyes only for a second,but it filled me with an uncontrollable warmth.
"Present time!"sera said passing me a small box delicately wrapped with pink wrapping paper. I unwrapped it quickly revealing a small leather box.
I opened it to reveal 2 necklaces one with a heart and and the other a key.
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"Do you like it Avi?sera peered from next to me I looked up and tackled her in a hug.
I heard the others chuckle from behind us and Kai mumble"I think she likes it!"
I sat up and pulled sera up with me laughing uncontrollably.Kai walked closer to me and whispered in my ear"I've got my present upstairs so your gonna have to wait"I looked up into his eyes and seeing him Smirk and walk across the room.
Noah and hunter walked closer and gave me a standard sized box.I raised my eyebrow and they smiled.
"we got our present together!"they said in unison and turned and glared at each other.We all cracked up and I pulled the wrapping paper of .
A book sat in my hand the leather roughly touching my skin.The golden star in the center with a dragon sitting above. A grimoire? I'm a werewolf why would i need a witches grimoire?
I didn't want to seem ungrateful so I hugged Noah who obviously picked it out being a warlock and all.
I slipped my hand back in and picked up a leather box. I lifted the lid and and grinned. 2 rings were sitting side by side but one of them drawers my attention.
Moonlight ring!!! The black kyanite gemstone enchanted by witches to allow werewolves to control their transformation, thus sparing them the need to turn every month on the full moon. I slipped it on and froze when I saw the other ring. Their vampire counterparts are the Daylight ring, which prevent vampires from burning in sunlight.
Why would I need that?
I slowly lift my head up and stood up,I felt it.A weird burning coursing Through my veins.I felt it when I was at the silent striders pack.
Pain ebbed through my stomach making me collapse to the ground.My head was pounding and I was convulsing on the floor.I heard shrieks around me and people lifting me from the ground and shouting. A high pitch sound escaped my mouth,my insides were burning.
A sharp pain stabbed my arm,and pushes something inside me.Drugged I was being drugged again.My eyes fluttered shut and I drifted deep into my mind.
I awoke to the sound of muffled talking.I felt pillows underneath my body as I raised my head to see the Devero family surrounding me.
A smell so strong that it racked my entire body immediately I couldn't care less about the devero's around me this smell was intoxicating.I felt my canines grow longer. I would usually freak and say what was happening!?but the smell enveloped me leaving me utterly helpless in its grip.
I Saw a man in the corner just older than me shaking in fear and staring at me dead in the eye.My animal instincts were kicking in but everything was heightened.I was in front of the man in seconds grabbing his body and pulling out it forward with unnatural strength and sinking my fangs into his neck.
The blood was rich and sank deep into my throat. All things good were poured into this lush bit of blood. It was like summer everyday. My lips felt radiant and soft making me feel like if I had to give up my whole life for one more drop, I would do it in a heart beat. The blood kept coming and at each drop that soaked in my mouth made me feel like I was glowing.
I felt the man go slack in my arms I had to stop or he would die.I forced myself to withdrawal and threw the man onto the ground away from me.
My body shook with every intake of breath I took.I wiped the blood from my mouth onto the back of my hand. What am I ?
Aurelia walked closer to me bending down and helping me up. "It's time!" "Time for what?" "You need to know about the prophecy!" My head was swimming with thought but none made it to the surface, so I kept quiet.
Aurelia cleared her throat and I looked at her "for years my family the oldest of the vampires have waited for you Avianna,the Hybrid"
she moved closer to me taking my hand "you are destined to unite the supernatural world and bring them back from war!"she cleared her throat "centuries ago their was a Prophecy about a wolf just as you,who on her 18th birthday would become something the world had never seen before a witch to bring the covens together ,a vampire to being the regions together and your werewolf nature to bring the packs together against the fey and hunters."
Was it completely normal for me to want to run? To get as far away from them as possible? I was scared and I wanted to be alone I couldn't keep on doing this!
Kai and Noah sat beside me. "I can help with your witch nature and Kai or hunter can help you control you bloodlust!"Noah said but I wasn't listening.Their words were swirling around my head and I felt as if I was going to have a heart attack.
The familar tingling sensation was coursing through my veins begging to be let free.
The windows and light around me exploded,showering bullets of glass down upon me .The lights were flickering on and off and the wind swirled around me.
Kai came crashing into me pushing me onto the floor. He whispered "sorry little wolf Into my ear"and placed his arm around my neck jerking It upwards snapping it quickly while I crumpled to the floor.