Infomercial puns (Danny)

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Danny; swearing 

Dan was cackling, grabbing his stomach, after shooting off yet another infomercial line. 

"I actually hate you," I stated as I glared at him. 

"But fifteen minutes can save you fifteen dollars or more on car insure!" He gasped out. 

"Why do you keep quoting commercials?" I sighed. 

He quacked. "It's what you do!" 

"You know what you're going to need if you keep quoting those? Life insurance!" 

Dan pauses, giving me a look. "Did you know words really can hurt?"

"That's it!" I jumped onto him and started tickling his sides furiously. He squealed and giggled. I finally stopped after a few minutes and kissed him. 

"Did you learn your lesson?"

"Are you in good hands?"

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