What is it about me? (Dan Avidan)

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Dan; fluff 

It was early morning, the sun barely peering into our new shared bedroom. Dan's hands were gently combing through my hair, my eyes half closed.

"What do you like most about me?" Danny asked softly. His voice was a little gruff from not speaking for a while.

I blink and furrow my brows as I look at him. "I really don't know," I


He huffs. "Then what did you first notice about me?"

I smiled. This, I could answer.

"You have a tress of curly hair that always falls out of place when you put it up in a bun. And when you try to fix it, your eyes are so gentle."

Dan's cheeks turn pink. "You're so sappy," He mumbled and burrowed his face into the crook of my neck. 

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