Train Ride

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A single tear runs down my cheek as I sit here on the train leading me to my death. I look around and see my escort talking to Peeta my district partner and my mentor hovering over the drinks trying to decide what to choose.  We've been traveling at hundreds of miles an hour for about 2 hours now, I've been just sitting in one of the plush chairs in the corner out of the way.  Effie said that supper wasn't for another hour and that we should go and see where our living quarters are going to be. 

I follow the hallway she pointed both Peeta and myself down till I come to a glass door with "Primrose Everdeen" was painted on it. As I step closer the door slides open revealing a big bed in the middle of a huge room, the room was the side was of the main floor of my house. Home... how I want to be back there, how I want to be cooking the big meal with Katniss in celebration that neither one of us had gotten chosen, Gale and his family would also be there with us. But now probably both of them are sitting in their houses with the shutters closed, probably processing of what happened today.  

I finally stepped inside my room, I look around to my right there was the bathroom and on the left was a closet that looked like it was stocked with clothes. I just walk around just checking everything out, I walk down the closet letting the clothes brush my hands, just feeling the different textures of the fabrics, and then I move over to the bathroom to find a big marble tub on one wall and a walk-in glass shower on the other, with a big countertop with a sink in it with a full-sized wall mirror right above to and the toilet that's hidden right next to the counter.  

I want to take a shower, so I close the door and then strip out of the dress I'm in right now and lay it on the countertop and then step into the shower. There is a panel of buttons on the wall next to me, and I have no idea what any of them are for, so I just go for it. One button and what looked like water drops so I press that and then water starts pouring on me but its freezing cold. Quickly jumping out of the water I look back at the panel and see there is a lever with hot on one side and cold on the other, so I start to move that and pretty soon I get the water to a nice warm temperature. I pressed the shampoo that smelled like honeysuckle, and then just stood there under the water, it felt like it washed away all my stress for now. As I step out onto the floor mat a gust of warm air hits me and dries me off, leaving my hair nice and soft.  I quickly get dressed back into my dress and then go back out into my room. I don't know how much more time I have before I have to go back out, so I take a seat on the edge of the bed. 

It didn't feel that long of a wait when a pounding on the door made me jump out of my skin, it was Effie screeching it was time for supper. I then follow her back to the dining cart where I'm hit with a wall of aromas coming from the spread of food on the table, as soon as it hits me my mouth instantly waters. But as soon as I see HOW much food is on the table, I'm sick, there was so much, enough to feed my family at least for a month if we rationed right. 

I bumped into Peeta because I really wasn't watching where I was going, you could tell he also had a shower as his hair was still damp. he wore a blue long-sleeved shirt and a pair of sweatpants; we both just nodded to each other and made our way to the table. For supper, we had grilled chicken, lots of veggies, and for dessert thing called cupcakes. I didn't eat much to anything at all because I was sick, not physically, it's just that district 12 is starving and here I am having enough food that could feed so many 

"Come on dear you have to eat something," Effie says refilling her glass 

"How can I eat when my district is starving and I have enough here for at least 5 families" I spat back, ''How can you stand yourselves'' that shut her up, but it didn't stop her from acting all happy. She then herded us to the living area to watch the other reaping's. District 1 was 2 lanky kids, the girl was tall, blonde and gorgeous, and the boy was also tall and had brown hair. They both looked very very lethal.

District 2 tributes were different the 1, the girl was small but had an evil glint in her eyes and the boy was tall, blonde and has lots of muscles. He had just a smirk on his face, I really didn't pay much attention after that, until it came to district 11, a small little girl probably her first year gets called and absolutely no one volunteers to take her place, you can hear the screams of her mother in the background, but that's all that happens for her, and the boy that got reaped looks scary, he looks tall, at least 6'5 and maybe 200 pound of pure muscle and he just walks up onto stage with the most stone cold look on his face. Then it cuts to our district, you get to see Effie pull my name and me walk on to stage, I tried to act brave and not show emotion and I get to see it paid off, and then Peeta's name get called and you can see that he is terrified, and then the screen goes black. 

After watching the reaping's, I headed off to bed, I strip down to my underwear and slip into the bed.  The king-sized bed was so soft I just melted into it, and the white comforters and pillows were so soft to the touch, but sleep is hard to find, I just stare at the ceiling for what seems like hours. But somehow sleep does find me, and it all goes black. 


What do you think?

Sorry if this chapter was a little dull but it will get interesting next chapter and the picture above is how old prim would look. (She is so pretty)

(Updated chapter)

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