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I groan as Effie comes in and starts poking me to get up. 

"Go away" I mumble from under the blankets

"Get up and get dressed and don't make me come back in here" She says as walking out the door, I swear she slammed the door on purpose.  Groaning I get out of bed and shuffle my way to the bathroom, I wash my face, brush my teeth, brush my hair and put it into the side braid. I walk out into my room to find on my bed a shirt, pants and shoes laid out, on the sleeves of the shirt there is the number 12, and there is silver and red strips running down the sides on both the pants and shirt. I put it on and look at my self in the mirror, I don't like it, the pants hug every curve that I always try to hide and the shirt is also hugging my curves a little too tight, but this is all I got. I lace up the strings on the combat boots, look at the outfit one more time and reluctantly head out the door.

I walk into the dining room and of course, everyone is already there eating or conversing. I get an angry stare from Effie, which I give back to her and then sit next to Peeta

"Ok, what I want you to do is work on your least knowledge skill while your down there, Don't show them what your strong points, they'll use that against you," Haymitch says pouring some brown water in his coffee, which makes me roll my eyes 

I only had a cup of coffee and a orange for breakfast, oranges are so expensive back home, eating this was the most amazing thing, the way the flavor just burst in your mouth, how it was both sweet and tangy, I had to control myself and savor every bite. Effie escorted us to the elevator, pushed the button for us, and wished us good luck

When we get there I see that almost everyone is here, they are all standing at different areas in the room,  we walk over to where everyone is standing generally and wait for the last to arrive. 

After everyone finally gets here a tan-skinned lady comes and tells us not to fight or kill each other and to work on plant identification and stuff like that. I kind of zoned out and started looking at the other tributes. most of them look scared like me, all of them are either looking at the lady for some type of help, or staring at the ground trying not to cry.  as I look around my eye find a familiar pair of icy blue eyes look at me. I blush and look away take interest in the floor. "Wait did I just blush," I think " bad prim bad prim" cursing myself.

Before I knew it we were excused so we could start training, the careers instantly go to the weapons, everyone else migrates to either plants, fire making or knot tying. I stand there for a minute and look to see what they have. They had knife throwing and sword, spears, ropes, axes, archery and so much more. 

I would love to go to the archery section but Haymitch said we can't show our strengths, so I head to the obstacle course. While I was waiting in line all of a sudden I could hear yelling, I look and see the blonde boy yelling at a smaller boy accusing him of taking his knife, he kept yelling and threating, him after the peacekeepers separate them I hear giggling above me, I look to see a small girl, I think she's from District 11 holding the missing knife I look down and try to hold in my laughter. I notice that the boy from her District also saw her and is trying to hold back laughter

After lunch, I worked on rope tying  which was pretty easy, there were some that I did struggle with, when I suddenly felt like I was being watched so I look around to find a pair of dark brown eyes. It was the little girl who stole the knife. She reminded me like a fawn, scared yet curious, those big brown eyes that are as big as saucers  

"Hi, I'm prim what's yours," I say waving she stayed quite moving closer to the corner

"It's alright... I don't bite "I chuckled 

She smiled a little and moved closer to me " I'm Rue" 

We talked until it was time to go back to the apartment,  she is such a lovely girl, she told me a lot about her family at home. when the bell rang signaling it was time to go back to our apartments, we say goodbye and head our different ways. I looked around for Peeta and spot him in the corner probably waiting for me, as I walk over I got distracted by the kids from district 1 talking and laughing I didn't see where I was walking. I all of a sudden walk into something hard and fall to the floor 

" Hey, watch where you're going" a deep voice growls.  I shake my head and look up to see the blonde boy. I just looked to the ground avoiding eye contact. 

" Oh Cato is this little girl distracting you," his district partner asks walking up with an evil smirk and glare on her face. I shrunk down as they tower over me smirking but before anything could happen I feel a strong pair of arms pull me up, and lead me on to the elevator away from them  

It was Peeta, He looked at me with worried eyes before speaking. 

"Are you ok?" he asks, all I can do is shake your head yes, by then the doors to the elevator and I slowly walk in. Effie was standing in the same spot she was when we left, which made me wonder if she hadn't moved all day, and Haymitch was sitting in the living room, 

"How was your first day" Effie asked, she looked like she was about to pop with excitement, she acted like my mom the first time I went to school, which ticked me off a lot, this isn't school  

I say" fine " then walk past them and to my room 

Taking a hot shower seemed to melt all my nerves away, I was still shock by running into Cato. "finally I learned his name" I say quietly to myself, I slip into the clothes I wore the night before, left my hair down to dry and went to supper because I was hungry after today

As soon as I enter the dining area I ask a bunch of questions from both Effie and Haymitch 

"So I heard you ran into one of the careers" Haymitch as you in a matter o factly tone.

I groan and look at Peeta thinking "really you told him", he turned a dark shade of red and looked at his plate, starting to pick at his brussel sprouts,  "Ya a little accident," I say pulling out a chair from the table. 

" Well watch where you go and watch out for them, their careers they are very dangerous and win it almost every year" I shake my head as if I am hearing this for the first time while I'm plating brussel sprouts, a pork chop and bread rolls on my plate, and then settle into my seat and try to eat everything on my plate, which was hard 

After supper I head to my room, but I can't go to sleep, I just toss and turn in bed because I'm thinking about a lot of things like Cato, the games, my family back home, everything. 

I roll over and see its 1:30. and I'm not even tired so I feel like exploring, I sneaked out of my room and to the elevator remember seeing a button saying roof. so I push it, the doors close and then the feeling of the elevator going up goes threw my body, I hate that feeling. not even a minuet later the elevator stops and the doors open, reveling a roof garden, It was beautiful, there were arches everywhere with greenery and roses covering them, and small daisies where in small flower beds close to the edge. I walk over to the edge of the roof and take in the view, all the lights, the faded noise of the people below, and the wind carrying the smell of the roses, it was actually beautiful, all of it. I got so lost in it all 

"I hope you don't jump" A voice says


Who was the stranger on the roof

hey so sorry I haven't updated in a LONG time. but will try to update once to twice a week.

ok so on that note tell me what you think of this chapter and also tell me some of your ideas on how this should go.

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